Black Metal vocal style.


Warrior of Black Metal
Sep 20, 2003
New Hampshire
Does anyone know how to achive a vocal style like Xasthur or Triskele? It sounds like some effects or production changes were made on the voices to make them sound like they do. Is anybody familiar with these types of ideas on vocals?
Iced In Flames said:
If I knew who they were I might be able to help ya.

Contact me on aim (IAmShadow0fDeath <- My Screenname) and i'll send you an mp3 or two...or a sample.
as for Xasthur, you'll have to contact me. I can't find an mp3 on the page, especially for the album i'm thinking of. If you want to download it off slsk or whatever p2p you have the song and album i'm referring to in Xasthur's sound

Nocturnal Poisening
(songs) In the hate of battle.

I'm leaning more towards the Xasthur sound though both are pretty similar in what i'm looking for.
demoniumxtyrant said:
On the triskele mp3 it sounds like there is a shitload of reverb and a little bit of echo there, too. Also, he may have layered his vocals at some points. I've had Xasthur mp3s before... but i don't remember their sound.

Sounds about right to me. Xasthur, i've found out does a lot of reverb and layering shit too.