Black Metal w/ clean vocals

I actually think Emperor's best album is this recording I heard of them playing I am the Black Wizards in their basement because it was so much more true and badly produced. And you couldn't hear the keyboards at all, or the bass drum. That was before they sold out and started playing commercial bullshit.

Oh and I'm so right about this.

Prometheus is such pointless music because you can hear everything and the guitar tones are pleasing to the ear.
If you're going to attempt to mock or criticize my opinion, you'd best actually understand where it originates from and gain some knowledge about the music that I like, since I'm one of the last people you could hope to pull that kvlt kiddie bullshit on.

Besides, none of the Emperor recordings that I listen to have bad recording quality or anything difficult to listen to. I just don't like pseudo-progressive music with whiny King Diamond wannabe vocals.
I'm putting you on my ignore list, because this is getting ridiculous and you aren't clever or relevant in any way.