Black metal with major chords?

zabu of nΩd

Free Insultation
Feb 9, 2007
It just occurred to me that one of my favorite bm songs, Sunwheel by Drudkh, makes prominent use of major chords. Despite the poppish/accessible association with major chords, they can sound kvlt as fvck in the right context. I'd love to find more bands with that vibe.

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Not into black metal but that sounds like a good idea for a metal song. Happy.. for the wrong reasons. Happy.. because I’m insane. Or a cult of fake/chemical happiness. Twisted.
Nocturnal Depression - Fjaer:

A few examples from Nagelfar, such as Srontgorrth:

as well as Schwanengesang, at 6:47 in, as well as other parts later on:

Ulver - VI:

And lastly, for something highly reminiscent of the aforementioned Sunwheel song, Primordial - No Nation on This Earth:
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Great finds, thanks man! My favorite out of these is the Nagelfar - I'm checking out the full album now. Good track by Primordial too - I like some of their stuff, though I guess they tend to be more epic than I'm in the mood for.

Some of these tracks strike me as almost a crossover between bm and something else like shoegaze. Major chords really are weird in bm, but I definitely have a thing for it.
Do you just want major chords, or songs in a major key? For the former, some Summoning fits the bill--for example. the chorus on "South Away":

Not sure I can tell if something's in a major key... I can hear the major chords in it though.

In terms of the overall vibe, Summoning's not quite what I have in mind. They're so steeped in traditional folk music that it feels like their major chords come right out of that familiar playbook. Seems more unexpected in Drudkh's case.
Rediscovering Nokturnal Mortum over the past few days, a good addition to this thread:

After criticizing Summoning for the style of folk they use, I see I have a distinction to make. I guess the difference for me is Nokturnal Mortum's folkish passages are a supplement rather than the focus, and less heavy-handed. With these passages they create a cool rift in the music now and then where a window opens up onto a sort of ecstatic scene of dancing villagers.