Black Roija


New Metal Member
Dec 7, 2006
okay, I've been wondering this for a while, but is Black Roija refering to satan or is it similar to withering away the "demons" part being metophorical? just wanted to know, its been bugging me for a while.
just speaking from a stupid kalmah fan, i dont believe that they have any satanic references in their songs but i also noticed on the song "hades" is about a ritual that sounds like one of the LaVeyist satanic rituals but it could just be pekka paying down some more of those fat lyrics! i think the only person that can answer this is antti just because lyrics are mostly metaphorical and personal and he would be the only person that i think would know on this forum but maybe one of the others will know, im very interested to see if anybody else has any clue to this question as well!
Maybe you knew but roija is fire. So i think it is about some feeling or emotion inside you. Some feeling that demon is coming when your afraid. But i have never thought that Kalmah is about satanic lyrics in any songs. Only about Swamplord ;)

There is some interview where they said the meaning of every song. I would like to see it. Would any one happen to have the link or know where it is?
Maybe you knew but roija is fire. So i think it is about some feeling or emotion inside you. Some feeling that demon is coming when your afraid. But i have never thought that Kalmah is about satanic lyrics in any songs. Only about Swamplord ;)

There is some interview where they said the meaning of every song. I would like to see it. Would any one happen to have the link or know where it is?

yeah i agree, swamplord is one of the main focus's in the lyrics and i am also interested in the interview.
oh yeah, heres the quote from the song that made me think it was possibly satanic:

"feel the king inside you, take a pull"

now that could be metaphorical as well, and EVERY song you say? black waltz included? nice, I want that!
yeah i figured that neither of them are satanic, but its cool to know what the songs are about, and yeah dont i feel very very stupid i read that interview before haha but it was so long ago.
wow... black roija is about drinking? I never would have geussed that. :OMG: most fucked up thing ive learned all day :lol: