Black Sabbath

My favorite band!I like it all but some cool tunes are:

The Mob Rules
Iron Man
Disturbing The Priest
Zero The Hero
Headless Cross
When Death Calls
Children Of The Sea
Seventh Star
i've always loved the bridge in snowblind- but my new fav is symptom cuz it's a real headbanger live. dave, you listed alot of born again tracks [side 1 even]! i wore that album out- trashed and zero fucking rock.
MiniMurray said:
i've always loved the bridge in snowblind- but my new fav is symptom cuz it's a real headbanger live. dave, you listed alot of born again tracks [side 1 even]! i wore that album out- trashed and zero fucking rock.
You sure breathed new life into a lot of those old tunes!

I'll have to make my list soon :)
MiniMurray said:
i've always loved the bridge in snowblind- but my new fav is symptom cuz it's a real headbanger live. dave, you listed alot of born again tracks [side 1 even]! i wore that album out- trashed and zero fucking rock.
Yes Sara I did list most of that album huh?I should have just listed the whole album haha!Every song is a winner on there.I love Ian Gillan's evil laughing on "Disturbing The Priest".Also when I was still trying to put together the Black Sabbath tribute we were going to play those three tunes.Would have been cool.
MiniMurray said:
i've always loved the bridge in snowblind- but my new fav is symptom cuz it's a real headbanger live. dave, you listed alot of born again tracks [side 1 even]! i wore that album out- trashed and zero fucking rock.

Snowblind is a great song! I love it! Symptom's always been my fave, the intro riff is so heavy - it really gets me going. :rock: Such a contrast to the acoustic outro.

I'm in the process of wearing out Paranoid, that album is just perfection!!
The Godfathers of Doom and no one mentions "Hand Of Doom", yet? Totally great song! I also love "The Wizard", cause I like singing the harmonica parts, and truth be told that was how I got a gig singing years ago, by singing the harmonica parts to that song. Non-Ozzy songs - "Country Girl" and "Children Of The Sea".