Blackened Death for you to C&C

Ahoy there.

Im looking for criticism/suggestions for this mix. Its one of the tracks from an E.P. my band is working on at the moment. This is the 4th draft mix so far of this song.

The main problem Im finding is that I can get stuff to sound good individually, but when its all in the mix theres not a lot of space & things sound a bit brittle & mucky, even where Ive EQ'd stuff to fit each other (e.g. 200Hz scoop on guitars, 200Hz boost on bass).

Also, the vocals are quite muddy & seem to be fighting the guitars a bit. Ive never really learnt how to EQ vocals properly so any pointers there would help immensely

This was mixed in Cubase SX3, on a pair of Alesis M1 active monitors

Any constructive criticism at all would be appreciated, be brutal guys, I want this EP to sound decent when its done.

heres the dropbox link:


- Jack