Blackened Death Metal for your Mixing Pleasure (raw etc.)

Jun 26, 2009
New Jersey
Here is a song that Osum (a user here) posted. He recorded the guitars, bass, programmed the drums, wrote it etc. I did vocals over it and reamped it. This was a while ago and it's been sitting on my hard drive so I figured I would put it too good use. My mix is not finished, this mix is about 70% done and I only through a quick chain on my vocals. Yes they are too loud, and yes the takes are atrocious (I recorded them with a cold lol). Feel free to mix it without vocals haha. Sorry I don't have the DI's for the leads anymore, I included them in my reamped tracks though.

The files can be found in the description. Please comment, subscribe and all the jazz, it's the only thing that will keep me motivated to keep posting these. I have 3 truly great tracks of mine that I'm going to post in the next few days so keep on top of it.

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I found the full zip on my dropbox with all DIs:

Maybe roflsaurusrex can edit this in to the start post.

The guitar was my Schecter Hellraiser C7 with brandnew strings straight into the Saffire 24 Pro.

Quickly re-amped this and did a 10 min mix balance when I finished today's tracking session.
Awesome track.
Can't wait until I have time to mix it properly.
What guitar did you use for this. The DI is amazing.
Any chance of DIs for the leads too?
Here is quick mix.

Here are Triple Recto re-amps if anyone want to use them.