Blacker than the blackest black.... x INFINITY!!!

Sounds cool. I think the singer sounds like Daath, both in accent and sound. Maybe the whole mix sounds like Daath - and I love it. Are there any connections between this band and Daath?
nope, no connection at all... the singer of DAATH is from Atlanta, Georgia.. born and bred. and has slight southern US accent (he's not a redneck at all, so the accent is much softer and more gentrified) the singer of RISE is from Hungary and has a strong Hungarian accent... the only real similarity to the two recordings is that i tracked both singers with a SM7, and i worked closely with both on their performances. i think you'll find the mixes are quite different if you A/B them... really glad that you're digging it though Edward.. i fully expect to be announcing a record deal and full release of this album within the next few months or so... so stay tuned!
The leads and the lead tone sounds like a blend between you and Chuck C. from "Spiritual Healing" era. Have you suggested the harmonys lines on the leads ? Sweeet !
good call blue, right on the money!... Istvan (singer/lead guitar) played all the solos you're hearing here, but i did come up with the harmonies.
I knew it :) You make it more than just a f***ing lead, thats what I also always try to do. You are responsible for that.
Just for the record, LSD, neither of us said that it was "just perfect." And James, I suppose I should've known better than to express an opinion given your responses in the past to anything other than a deluge of praise; I can't begin to count the amount of times you've made the point to other people about not stating one's opinions as fact, but for someone who advocates opinions so heartily, it sure doesn't seem like it takes much to set you off. If you were really so confident in your position, I wouldn't think that a critique, clearly stated as a personal preference, would get you bent outta shape (and trying to invalidate our position with the bandwagon argument is pretty fallacious). And as Remy said, I'm talking a gain increase of maybe one "o'clock" or so, just enough to get a bit more of the saturated fizz (the good kind) in there a la anything recent by Behemoth/Dimmu/Decapitated/Opeth etc. etc.; I run the gain on my JSX's ultra channel at 5, because that's the point where I feel the palm mutes have just enough saturation to give them a bit more sustain beyond the initial attack.

Look, all I'm saying is that there are so many threads in the "Rate my mix/tone" section of the forum where people make critques of mixes and say things they don't like, and I can't say that the OP's of those threads often give such a defensive reaction. You could make the argument that your production is far above that of the average amateur poster here, and I would of course agree with you - but wouldn't that mean that you should be even more confident in your position, enough to respond in a tactful manner, such as "I can see how you might feel that way, but after a lot of experience, this is really the sound I prefer," as opposed to "there's more than enough gain huge difference needed or wanted. No one else has given me this reaction," which sounds a lot like, dare I say, stating your opinion as fact.
wowsers.. i couldn't even read all that.... i stopped after the first few sentences.. and will just say.. i didn't ask for critiques, good or bad, nor did i post in the Rate My Tone/Mix thread.. quite purposefully.... and i was not harsh in my response... i simply disagreed and after that a number of folks posted and agreed with me.... i said "it crosses the eyes" to express my opinion that it's clear to me that there's a load of gain in that guitar tone... and you respond with a personal attack on my character.. nice one.

i stick around here to help those younger and less experienced, to help others in a way i was never helped when i was in my early development.. not to be told that blue is red.. i know blue when when i see it.... denigrate that as "fishing for praise" all you want..,however, you telling me that my opinion about your opinion is less valid than yours is .... well... it crosses the eyes.

let's keep personal attacks to a minimum here, please.
[/QUOTE=i stick around here to help those younger and less experienced, to help others in a way i was never helped when i was in my early development..[/QUOTE]

Your help is greatly appreciated James.
for the record, i posted this to help bring more attention to the band... and it's worked. most of you have expressed your intentions to pick up this CD once it's released, even though you've never heard of the band before i introduced them to you on here... this bodes very well for these guys, because as the pages of this thread show, you guys among the most critical listeners on the magical interwebz... so i'm even more confident for these guys now. thanks for the input everyone.
nope, no connection at all... the singer of DAATH is from Atlanta, Georgia.. born and bred. and has slight southern US accent (he's not a redneck at all, so the accent is much softer and more gentrified) the singer of RISE is from Hungary and has a strong Hungarian accent... the only real similarity to the two recordings is that i tracked both singers with a SM7, and i worked closely with both on their performances. i think you'll find the mixes are quite different if you A/B them... really glad that you're digging it though Edward.. i fully expect to be announcing a record deal and full release of this album within the next few months or so... so stay tuned!

Cool. Ok you were right about A/B. I did that and agree with you. I think I just got the same good:ish feeling from both mixes. Appealing the same senses of my brain :)
Very nice mix, pretty good song. I dont think these guys are gonna have any problems getting a fanbase, this record is gonna do fine. Are they good live?
for the record, i posted this to help bring more attention to the band... and it's worked. most of you have expressed your intentions to pick up this CD once it's released, even though you've never heard of he band before i introduced them to you on here... this bodes very well for these guys, because as the pages of this thread show, you guys among the most critical listeners on the magical interwebz... so i'm even more confident for these guys now. thanks for the input everyone.

it also brought attention to a kickass production that you are working on. I'm equally excited about the band and the production. Can't wait to hear this when it's released!
you're the fucking man James =)

i now load up a few different tracks of yours when i'm mastering just for reference on overall levels and frequency response.

keep inspiring us. and to all the people fucking with James, please stop. this is exactly the reason no one of great stature posts on message boards frequently. a select few who don't know how to control themselves ruin it for the rest of us that embrace the chance to speak with a working pro and furthermore, embrace the opportunity to LEARN something from an individual who actually knows what the FUCK they are talking about

<3 James woooooo, marry me! <3 <3 (end fanboy).

All kidding aside, you rock and please know your input is greatly appreciated around here