Blackmore hits 60!


Master of Disaster
Staff member
Nov 24, 2002
Last April 14th, the guitar master Ritchie Blackmore hit 60 years old. One of the most influential guitar players in history Blackmore work with Deep Purple put him into the rock hall of fame forever.

His subsequential work in Rainbow and Blackmore's Night prove to me that the guy is not only an accomplished player and composer, but also a very versatile and dare musicians unafraid to take risks and willing to move his career along with his age without loosing quality.

To one of my most beloved and admired musicians, Happy Birthday!
sixxswine said:
And Yngwie Malsteen doesn't look "fat."
Bullshit! Now he's a 60 year old bitter old man, rather than a 59 year old one!
He's still a legend regardless!

Just cause he's bitter doesnt mean it makes him look 60 physically.. I was just commenting on his physical being.. he does not look 60 whatsoever.. he looks 10 years younger then he is if not more... as for Malsteen... I dont think he is fat but i do think he gained weight... as for him being a asshole.. yup he is.. but if im correct Blackmore was one of his guitar influences or so he said so perhaps he also was influenced by Blackmore's ego as well and incorporated it into his own personality.. and their BOTH ASSHOLES!! lol but great guitarists none the less though i always thought both were a little overrated for my tastes... in old interviews Blackmore always likes to say that him and Jimmy Page were the most active studio musicians before they made it big with LZ and DP .... but i think Blackmore is full of shit in this regards to himself... Page is documented as being a in demand studio musician before the Yardbirds/LZ but not Blackmore as far as i know... :yuk:
Unfaithfully Metalhead said:
Just cause he's bitter doesnt mean it makes him look 60 physically.. I was just commenting on his physical being.. he does not look 60 whatsoever.. he looks 10 years younger then he is if not more...

Oh no you dealt the "looks" card! Well, let me tell you this.
He has "darker" hair than me & I don't die it my friend!:tickled:
Agree with Sixxi.

Blackmore is such a genius he has difficult relating to us the less gifted peasants, so we may call him "arrogant"...Yngwie is an asshole :lol:
sixxswine said:
How can we both be right?! That's like being "a little pregnant" isn't it?!
Think what you want!:tickled:

Think of it this way: YOU'RE RIGHT by calling him arrogant, but in my little head, i'm ALSO right because he's still an asshole, because i consider arrogance to be a form of asshole-ism.

Bottom line: I love his work, i worship his talent, he's one of my favorites but i don't like the guy.