Blades of Glory

Ryan VH

Go Forth And Die!
Jul 8, 2006
Los Angeles, California
Goddamn I loved this movie! I saw it twice and laughed even harder the second time. Will Farrel is probably one of the best comedic actors today.

Anyone else see this movie and if so what lines did you find hilarious???

"Are you an official here? Because you've officially given a boner."
Goddamn I loved this movie! I saw it twice and laughed even harder the second time. Will Farrel is probably one of the best comedic actors today.

Anyone else see this movie and if so what lines did you find hilarious???

"Are you an official here? Because you've officially given a boner."

"As if figure skating wasn't gay enough"

haha it was funny as hell but not as funny as Grindhouse
and napolean dynamite's gay stalker when he said " ok I'm still going to kill you someday" or something like that
haha yeah he was talking about how he can skate pairs and he was like "ill be waiting for you jimmy" and takes his name tag and sniffs it...

oh yeah...and im still going to kill you someday

another funny part...
will: the nights a very dark time for me
jon: it is for everyone you dumbass
will: not for people who live in alaska and wear night goggles!
