Land of hope and glory "Varagnian way 2"?


New Metal Member
Aug 17, 2007
Hello world,

I've been pondering about something for awhile, which i need dedicated Turisas fans to help me out with.
Having stated that the next album will probably be a continuation of "The Varagnian Way", hence miklagard Overture. I've been wondering about;
Has anyone made the connection between the plot of "Land of hope and glory" and that of the "varagnian Way?". Seems too me like Land of hope and glory, is the story of the varagnian way boiled down to 7 minutes. And if thats the case, we have the entire plot of the follow up album on the last 3 minutes of the track: Disappointment with glory town, journey home, home again. Classic adventure plot "there and back again". I can almost hear the concept of the tracks within the lyric lines of the 3 last minutes of "Land of hope and glory".
I just think the link is too apparent that it would seem it's an idea or brainchild that Nygaard has been carriyng around, waiting too unfold. I dunno, what do you guys think? Am i alone on this one?

Do hope that the continuation isn't a trilogy... Everythings a trilogy nowadays.
Erhm, loads of speculation here.

It's hard to follow you at times (no offense), but if I understand you correctly, I guess the "continuation" will be more musically than lyrically. Mathias and the guys (AND girl) will come up with stuff that's good and surprising no-doubt, and I don't think revealing the lyrical content of an upcoming album on their previous CD makes sense, right?

Until the material is finished and the album is up for sale, (read: until we actually HEARD it) we can't say ANYHTING about the album. It would be weird to start discussing the cover-art at this point in time too right?

So...yeah...there you have my 5 cents. Now let's just be patient and wait for the actual release before we start making asumptions of any kind. Speculation of this kind is a bit pointless imHo.


edit: and you seem to be mixing up LOHAG and Miklagard? Or am I so braindead atm I don't see the connection with BOTH those songs? =/
That could very well be the case btw xD
Erhm, loads of speculation here.

It's hard to follow you at times (no offense), but if I understand you correctly, I guess the "continuation" will be more musically than lyrically. Mathias and the guys (AND girl) will come up with stuff that's good and surprising no-doubt, and I don't think revealing the lyrical content of an upcoming album on their previous CD makes sense, right?

Until the material is finished and the album is up for sale, (read: until we actually HEARD it) we can't say ANYHTING about the album. It would be weird to start discussing the cover-art at this point in time too right?

So...yeah...there you have my 5 cents. Now let's just be patient and wait for the actual release before we start making asumptions of any kind. Speculation of this kind is a bit pointless imHo.


edit: and you seem to be mixing up LOHAG and Miklagard? Or am I so braindead atm I don't see the connection with BOTH those songs? =/
That could very well be the case btw xD

Yeh, lots of specualtion, actually it's only speculation. No hard facts here. The thought is that there's a link between LOHAG and the Varagnian ways story. Il try and make myself more clear:)

Here goes:

The follow up album to "TVW", which we know Turisas is gonna release sooner or later because Nygård said so, and because he refered to "Miklagard Overture" as a link to the next album.
So maybe this sequel album might have the overlined plot of the last part of LOHAG. Since we already know that the first part, storywise, of LOHAG is well within the story of "TVW", it's not unthinkable that the last part of "LOHAG" storywise, might be within the overlined story of the sequel album.

It might be musically, but "TVW" featured such a solid lyrical plot that i think Nygård will carry the characters with him to the next album.
So if that's the case, we might have the overlined plot, both music and lyrical wise on the last three minutes of the track.

I don't know if it wouldnt make sense... I mean maybe it's subconsciuous. That he just likes the idee and tried to work further with it.
Plus i don't see whats wrong with speculating about this. I just think it's a curious link, between the first album, the present and the future album.
Well, what's the purpose of speculation in general?

Example: Take a look at the CoB forum on here, and find some older posts by a certain Joonas Lehtonen. He was all like: "omg! on Blooddrunk CoB is going to do this and that.." without proof. He just ASUMED it, and he presented it as the truth. Before you could fart, all false info was all around the internet. That's why you should be carefull about speculation.

Secondly, the point you make is something you can't agree or disagree with or whatever. It's possible, but at the same time the band might decide otherwise. Mathias can change his mind, or he can decide to continue the story. But there are SOOO many ways in wich he can do that WITHOUT just 're-using' stuff from the past. So it will be filled with the 'if's.

So, what would be a possible reply to this thread? How can people discuss something like this? Due to the speculative nature of it all, people can come in here and say stuff like:
'I hope so!' or 'no way, that would be lame!'. And that would be it. No in-debt replies because there are no facts to discuss. You can't make in-debt high-quality posts about things like this due to a lack of facts.

I hope you understand what I mean. ;) And to reply to your 1st post:

The only reply I can give is: Time will tell...
Well, what's the purpose of speculation in general?

Example: Take a look at the CoB forum on here, and find some older posts by a certain Joonas Lehtonen. He was all like: "omg! on Blooddrunk CoB is going to do this and that.." without proof. He just ASUMED it, and he presented it as the truth. Before you could fart, all false info was all around the internet. That's why you should be carefull about speculation.

Secondly, the point you make is something you can't agree or disagree with or whatever. It's possible, but at the same time the band might decide otherwise. Mathias can change his mind, or he can decide to continue the story. But there are SOOO many ways in wich he can do that WITHOUT just 're-using' stuff from the past. So it will be filled with the 'if's.

So, what would be a possible reply to this thread? How can people discuss something like this? Due to the speculative nature of it all, people can come in here and say stuff like:
'I hope so!' or 'no way, that would be lame!'. And that would be it. No in-debt replies because there are no facts to discuss. You can't make in-debt high-quality posts about things like this due to a lack of facts.

I hope you understand what I mean. ;) And to reply to your 1st post:

The only reply I can give is: Time will tell...

Well i dont expect people to reply, and i don't know where the line between a high quality post and a "low?" quality post is drawn.
I see your point, and it's valid, but i don't see the problem in speculating in general. If by the example you bring, the point is to draw assumptions and spread rumors speculating would be... Wrong i guesss... But take philosophy or politics for an example (not that a analysis of LOHAG would qualify as that) but you often/sometimes don't have a "Right" or "Wrong" answer. But you can still become wiser of your surroundings and yourself by discussing and speculating on them.
And there is a fact: the first part of the story in LOHAG is that of the Varagnian Ways boiled down.

But i hear you, and can only reply, yes: "Time will tell"
lets rather create another thread and make it be on-topic so this may end its life (pleaaaassseeeeeee)
Aww Fenrisulfr you took away my posts about the concept album question. So I shall ask again, has Mathias ever said the next album is going to be a concept album? Yes (ie I'm not going crazy)? No (ie my brains making things up again)?
Hmm, how very strange. I do like the idea of historical concept albums. I'm one of these people who would love to know more about history, but can't motivate myself to actually research it. But the varangian way at least got me interested and gave me some easy to reach history lessons
I am usually not into history, but music, such as concept-albums, dont do the job either. Either I find something interesting or not, and the songs mostly present just some halfway thing to which you need more background stuff, so it´s nice in a way, yes, but not essential for my interest in certain historical things