

Master Exploder
I have been getting into BLAZE quite a bit lately, and thinking ahead to the next album, what effect do you think Rob Naylor and Jeff Singer leaving the band will have? Naylor had writing credits on about 90% of the material on the last 2 albums, and the bass and drum work on the albums is superb. I am glad that it was those two guys that left and not the guitarists, as their duel guitar work is awesome, but I just hope they can keep it together. I think the next album will be a defining point for the band. As much as I love the last two albums, if they don't come up with something fresh, they might be in real trouble.
Yep they need to come up with something good, the first 2 albums were very similair. Maybe a few faster songs and a couple of REALLY heavy ones, to give it some variety, I still have high hopes for the next one though :)
Blaze LIVE tho is brilliant... in a small venue anyway (which is the only place I've seen him...). Climbing into the crowd and all :rock: Bruce wouldn't do that, he doesn't believe mortals should touch him :p
BLAZE could very well be in OZ next year!

from an email I recieved from the DOA tour promoter.
Blaze, I think will be hear next year for sure. We had the offer of both Doro and Blaze this year as both were really keen. We could not choose so let their booking agency do so. Doro won out which means, I think, we promised Blaze for next year.

To read the entire email, click on my new Destruction Of Aus thread.