New Blaze album

It's a much better cover than every other release by them.
Tenth Dimension was created in MS-Paint..
I liked the Silicon Messiah one, it was creepy and l337! Blaze was all cyborgy and crap, it was so kvlt and grim.
Mark said:
Go shave your forehead :p
Im sick of people like you, I helped bring down the f**king Death Star you limey bastard, what have you done? Nothing thats what. Ewoks get no respect. Shave my forehead INDEED. Yub yub!
You are so unl337 LO<L!L!LLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111111

It means leet. Or to be elite if you will.

Sprucey, GO LISTEN TO SOME SLAYER! Then you wont ever say Dream Theater is heavy again ;)
Southy said:
The last cover was/is a pic of a going bng or some shit it was in a book on the stars ui read
If you are speaking about the Tenth Dimension cover, you are wrong, it is a close up of Blaze's eye, seriously!
And the new cover is mad! It make me want to go out and scream like this:


Just because TOT isnt as heavy as slayer dont mean it aint heavy Spawn :)

I really wanna hear some slayer, but havnt got around to buying an album. Anyone like Soilwork? I borrowed a whole heap of shit from a mate including Soilwork, Perfect Circle, Mars Volta and early Soundgarden (Jesus Christ Pose :rock:)
Spruce Goose said:
Just because TOT isnt as heavy as slayer dont mean it aint heavy Spawn :)

I really wanna hear some slayer, but havnt got around to buying an album. Anyone like Soilwork? I borrowed a whole heap of shit from a mate including Soilwork, Perfect Circle, Mars Volta and early Soundgarden (Jesus Christ Pose :rock:)
Go buy Seasons In The Abyss, South Of Heaven and Reign In Blood. But start with Seasons or South Of Heaven, your head might explode if you dive into Reign In Blood first :)