Blending amp tones...

Ice Man

Sep 18, 2006
West Palm Beach, FL
Probably a stupid question, but does blending amp tones happen strictly in a left vs right basis (ie:eek:ne amp on the side, another on the opposite)? Do people get decent results blending two amps on the same side of the stereo field? That always comes out phasey for me, even when using the same mic position and DI track for reamping.
It might be the second amp you are using has an extra gain stage, or one less for that matter. Try inverting the phase on one of the tracks.
Yeah, you know, I always wondered that too, whether a signal goes through all amps at the same "speed," or at least close enough to not cause phasing issues. However, since they're recorded separately, and not the kind of comb filtering you get with two mics on one source, I think just zooming in so you can see the waveform and sliding one of the tracks to align the phase would solve the issue. Worth trying anyway!
Despite the fact that its the same cab, mic and position, by using a different amp the sound is going to be inherently different, so its never going to be perfectly in phase. But beacuse you're reamping the same take it will be similar enough to cause some phasing problems.

Best bet is to do a seperate take through the other amp.
Well assuming you wanna quad-track (which I never do), otherwise that's out if you want two amps on one side.
Oh yeah, I know it's been done like that before many times to great effect, I just would like to be able to have a blended tone on each side as well
I think the best way to do it would be to use an ABY splitter and reamp through both amps at the same time. Of course, you would need 2 cabs and 2 mics though. Thats what we did when my band recorded our first EP. Used a 5150 and a Krank blended on one side, and a Mesa DR and 5150 on the other.
I blended a 5150 on my last production with the Krank Rev Series One. The 5150 is 94% and the Krank 27% on each side if I remember correctly. Just two tracks of rhythm guitars.
I had some problems with phasing but moved the tracks a little bit until it fitted.

Here is the result: 5150 blended with Krank
Hmm, do you guys literally move the tracks ? couse i use cubase's track delay function and tweek it until it sounds good to my ears.. i figure it's easier this way :err:
Should be the same I guess....I´m on Nuendo.
I just group the tracks which should be moved and then use the info display line to move them sample by sample until it sounds good.