Blending amps is the shit :)

gabriel g.

Sep 7, 2006
Got some time in the studio to play around with stuff.
So I did some prepro for my band realy fast, and then I reamped the di´s.
First time with my metric halo interface.
We used the X-amp.
First thing I noticed with the metric halo:
The sound was the same as I was playing right through the amp.
Last time I reamped I used that 003 piece of shit, and the reamps sounded nasal and nothing like a guitar plugged into an amp.
Second thing I noticed was, that logic fully delay compansated the reamps.
It didnt do that with the 003!!!

So at first we used my trusty 6505 and in the second round we used a Bogner Extasy.

No phase shit or anything else bad happened when I played the reamps together and the sound is just mind blowing.
The amps added up so nicely...

Totaly gonna do that on the next production.

here is a clip (its only a prepro track done in like 10mins without that much tweeking and stuff. Just an sm57 thrown in front of the mesa cab)

let me know what you think: IAR song .mp3
Favorite hard rock combo right now is a Soldano SLO100 and a Rivera K Tre Reverb. Hit both with a touch of tubescreamer, and you're in big-ass hard rock heaven!:headbang:
The blending amp thing realy opens the door for some great tones!!!

Important thing is, to use the same cab with the exact same mic placing each side, so you dont have phase problems
Yeah 2 cabs.
Phase problems can of course appear but just set the mics upp properly and then you are set to go :) I picked it up at Studio Fredman where they use it all the time.
You still get that fattening of the tone which is awesome.
Crillemannen, I remember you outlining your approach in slaving amps in a thread a while back, and the topic sounded interesting, but I left before I could ask any questions. Would you mind going over that for all of us?

Master amp: fx send to fx return on the slave amp. You basically send the master amp tone through the power amp of the slaved amp if i have understand it correctly which will alter the tone a bit. You have to use 2 cabs also which alter the sounds some more. You end up with 2 awesome sounding tones which fattens the tone a ton!

You could do as the OP but then you have to reamp but the idea is the same. Same take 2 different tones.
hahaha, i was gonna say the same thing!

i was almost scared for a moment because I'm thinking, 'wtf, this is fucked up phase city!'.

sounds okay but def not something I could use if it results in phase anamolies like that!
hahaha, i was gonna say the same thing!

i was almost scared for a moment because I'm thinking, 'wtf, this is fucked up phase city!'.

sounds okay but def not something I could use if it results in phase anamolies like that!

like I said this was done in like 10min....

Sure it sounds a bit phasy but it also brings so much options to the table.
Next time I do it I will check for phase, because the tracks are perfectly lining up, it only can be the amps itselve (like one of the amps is changing the phase)
like I said this was done in like 10min....

Sure it sounds a bit phasy but it also brings so much options to the table.
Next time I do it I will check for phase, because the tracks are perfectly lining up, it only can be the amps itselve (like one of the amps is changing the phase)

the bogner needs about 10 samples of delay when blended with most other amps, which would probably be responsible for the phasy-ness you're hearing
Hey man, awesome tones. However small suggestion, if you want more meat in the amp during the tracking process blend the 57 with a sennheiser E609 for some more attack and push it down to make the guitars cut through a bit more.