Tube amps are noisy as @%$#!

I used to suffer from this and would justmanually cut after reamps. Now, I do something easier and more effective. I run two decimators. One before the amp to make sure the guitar cuts appear cleaner, and one through my effects loop for tube hiss. Works fucking amazing
i just record with the standard chrome decimator pedal in front of amp, and then throw a fabfilter gate on the recorded track. works for me.
One trick that might work is:
-Record your amp (the guitar track)
-Now record only the hiss from the amp onto another track
-Invert the phase of the hiss track

When this inverted hiss track is combined with the guitar track it might negate the hiss..
This can be awesome or it can contribute with more hiss, but do try it..

All that has ever done for me is introduce comb filtering.
I used to suffer from this and would justmanually cut after reamps. Now, I do something easier and more effective. I run two decimators. One before the amp to make sure the guitar cuts appear cleaner, and one through my effects loop for tube hiss. Works fucking amazing

Yea the G String pedal does both front loading and fx loop and this was my go to setup. This helps a lot but i feel to make it clean you really have to crank down on it and you lose a little tone. G String>Ns2
Thanks so much everyone! Yea, i edit my dir tracks right now and that does not stop a tube amp from being noisy at all.

Does anyone say fuck editing the dir track and just do the cleaning up/editing on the reamps?

+1 to this. i say fucking being super anal about cleaning up the DI tracks unless it's a breakdown start/stop type of thing.... I clean up manually as I track and pretty much just roll with that.

After all re-amps are done, just strip the noise and you're golden. To me it's waste of time 100% clean the 'noise' from the DI track because as you said, you'll still get tons of noisy tube amp shit from the reamp.

Always skip unnecessary steps if possible =D
While we're on the topic of tubes amps...

Are you guys basically recording with an amp sim and then reamping to a real tube amp and hearing artifacts and stuff in the playing that you didn't hear when initially recording?
I recently recorded a demo with a Pod and now that I'm re-recording the album version with my tube amp I feel like I have to play much more carefully. Also tuning seems to be more of an issue as well. Are amp sims more forgiving or something? And if so wouldn't that make one nervous that things aren't going to sound as expected in the reamping process?
I use Lundgrens which I heard are also not very forgiving playingwise, but at least I don't have any noise problems as they're very quiet when not playing.