BLIND GUARDIAN - Orchestral Album Will Be Released In 2008


Iced Guardian was taken:)
Mar 27, 2004
German power metallers BLIND GUARDIAN’s Andre Olbrich (guitars) revealed in an interview with Metal Temple magazine that the band has been working on a strictly orchestral album, due for release in 2008. Here’s an excerpt from the interview:

Metal Temple: Virgin never really took care of releasing your albums with bonus material and cool editions. Will this ever change?

Andre: "Yes! There will be a limited edition pack with one bonus track from our upcoming orchestral album. I don’t know what else Nuclear Blast Records is planning but they are more active than Virgin..."

Metal Temple: Orchestral album?

Andre: "Yes, this is material we are writing the last eight years and we have never found the time to release the album. But now we have almost finished the songwriting and we’ve started the production with our producer Charlie Bauerfeind and Viktor Smolski [Rage] who is involved in the orchestral recordings. The album will be released in 2008."

Metal Temple: We are talking about strictly new material...

Andre: "Yes, new material, just orchestra and Hansi [Kursh] singing. Its is without the Heavy Metal parts! There are really good things there and I really hope we will tease you with the song we will put on the album."

Metal Temple: I am pretty sure that you will! If you had the ability to change one thing in the music industry, what would that be?

Andre: "Oh, so hard [Laughs]... There are so many things I’d like to change [Laughs]. it is pretty unfair for musicians that work for years on the music they create and get in the end very little money in exchange. They get the smallest piece of the pie. It is unfair."

Read the entire interview by clicking here.

Blind Guardian released their EP Fly in March through Nuclear Blast Records. The full length album, A Twist In The Myth (working title), is scheduled for release in September 2006 and will be the band’s debut album with Nuclear Blast Records.

Yeah, huge huge potential to suck. Hope wrong, but I've never thought BG was good for their orchestra parts. However, with Victor there - should have potential.
I think I head somewhere that the album will be completely about lord of the rings. Not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing if it's true...
eaeolian said:
Weren't the last two pretty much lacking "heavy metal parts"?

I don't think so at all. I think that Night at the Opera and Nightfall in Middle-Earth were both very metal. Not sure why you think differently. Are you saying that it was more hard rock or something?
Cheiron said:
I don't think so at all. I think that Night at the Opera and Nightfall in Middle-Earth were both very metal. Not sure why you think differently. Are you saying that it was more hard rock or something?

No, I'm cracking on the over-orchestrated, ridiculously over-layered approach of both of them. I like about half of NIME, and almost none of ANaTO, and "Imaginations..." is one of my favorite albums ever, so my bitterness shows through occasionally.
Cheiron said:
I don't think so at all. I think that Night at the Opera and Nightfall in Middle-Earth were both very metal. Not sure why you think differently. Are you saying that it was more hard rock or something?

I agree. Both are plenty metal and both are outstanding albums in my opinion.
Looks like you beat me to it Blind Panzer. Its nice to see my little magazine getting some of the newest and biggest news out there.

monstershredder0003 said:
yall should kick my ass for this, but i've never headr ANYTHING by blind gaurdian, but they sound like a kickass band, so when i hear them i will probaly love them!

In my opinion, go out and buy "Imaginations from the Other Side" before you do anything else. Don't waste another minute. This is a must-own abum that has the ability to change your life forever.
The_Kinslayer said:
Oh ok, I figured as much. I read that on the Blind Guardian wikipedia article, which I guess isn't such a reliable source of information. Thanks for the clarification.

Well, I guess the full story is that Hansi and Andre began composing some orchestral stuff for the LOTR movies, but they did not finish in time to submit it for consideration. So some of the orchestral works on the CD will probably be those composed with the movie in mind, but won't necessarily be about LOTR.