Blind Guardian VS Iced Earth


Apr 12, 2001
I've been thinking about this a little whilst sitting bored out of my brain at work. Especially since i've been listening to Demons and Wizards a bit lately.

Who do you think is a better band? Personally and I know i'm going to get a bit of flak from some quaters (Spawn :lol: ).. but I feel Blind Guardian is better. They are very original. Sometimes I sit and look at the guitar music for a song like Mirror Mirror and totally scratch my head. How they come up with that music is beyond me.

Iced Earth are great but they are missing something that keeps me interested. Sure they are fast and Matt Barlows voice is excellent.. but the song writing lets them down I think.

Also I have to say when I first heard BG I didn't catch onto them so much. Especially the more folk stuff but I have to say I can't get enough of it now.

Final words.. anyone heard "And then there was Silence"? WOW :)
I think they are too hard to compare because they are so different. Blind Guardian to me are more creative and they are more about creating a big epic, atmospheric sound, whereas Iced Earth are just thrashers to me, a melodic thrash band who perfectly mix more brutal aspects of metal with classic heavy metal.

I prefer Iced Earth though because of the spirit and attitude in their music (and the excellent rhythm guitar), but I think Blind Guardian are better songwriters and much more creative... and Hansi kicks arse over Matt :)
Imaginations is brilliant :)

Nightfall is far too overproduced for my liking and has too many intro/mini-song things hehe.
I've only got 2 Iced Earth albums - Something Wicked and Horror Show.
Something Wicked rules! :headbang:
Horror Show is ok. :)

I've only got one Blind Gaurdian album - Nightfall In Middle Earth.
It's pretty good, but left me with no desire to get any more. (Plus I thought there recent single 'And Then There Was Silence' sort of sucked. :( )
Ive got all BGs stuff and all Iced Earths stuff, as you all will know, Iced Earth is better to me, I think BG is way too wimpy now, I really liked Somewhere far Beyond, but NIME didnt do much for me, not because its not great, but it just sounds too over the top.

BG are extremely talented, and the 2 guitarists in BG are jaw droppingly good, as are the way they orchestrate their guitar parts! Hansi is of course brilliant, everyone knows that.

Their song writing is a lot different to Iced Earth, and Iced Earth get a lot of flak for not changing, but thats what I like about them! They are like a super heavy Iron Maiden :headbang: Always dependable.

Anyway, if BG remember where their balls are, Ill be a lot more interested, having said that, im not really a big power metal fan, so BG were never going to beat someone like IE for me as I prefer heavier more aggressive music!

Im still going to buy BGs new album though, just because im interested to see where they go next :)

Anyways, Iced Earth stands over BGs bloody corpse if it ever comes down to the 2 bands :)

P.S. Matts a better vocalist than Hansi, because Hansi isnt as good live as he is on the cd (from the live album and bootleg mp3s ive heard anyways) He is still great mind you, but because BG use so many harmony layers for their vocals, it doesnt sound as good live IMHO.

P.S.S. Is Fiddler On The Green one of the greatest songs ever or what? AWESOME solo, brilliant vocals, ballady, heavy, its got it all!
I cant believe you dont have The Dark Saga Sydo!! Does that mean you havent heard A Question Of Heaven???? :eek:
(Studio version is better than the live version in this songs case)
I would probably prefer Blind Guardian over Iced earth but i probably haven't really heard enough of either yet as i have only dicovered both of these bands in the last 12 months after comments on this board and the Dungeon board.

I have the following albums
Blind Guardian-Somewhere far Beyond
Blind guardian-Imaginations from the other side
Iced Earth-Alive in Athens(unforntunately only 1cd promo version that i was given for my bithday...i know i need the 3cd version!)
Iced Earth-Horror Show
Iced Earth-Dark Genesis

Of all of these somewhere far Beyond would be the one i like the most especially
Time what is time
the bard's songs
Originally posted by Ralphe

Time what is time

:headbang: :headbang:

"I wish I knew how to tell you why it hurts to know, arent we machines?"
Classic lyrics there. :D Great song, great album!

BG are ok but far too self indulgent with all that narritive crap...heheh

Although put 2 bands together and you've got something quite good

Demons and Wizards :D
They're both overated ;) IE's music is pedestrian (IMO!), and characterless (all sounds the same), and BG's choral vocals (and the bardesque ones on Middle Earth) have had me rolling on the floor many a time :)

*awaits his punishment* ;)
I got into Blind Guardian and Iced Earth around the same time (about 3 years ago) from people talking about them all the time on the net.
I found Iced Earth's music alot more easy to get into because it was closer to what I had been listening too (Maiden, Metallica, etc) and it took me almost a year to get fully into Blind Guardian's music but once I bought NIME I couldn't stop listening to it and I never took it out of my cd player, the music sounded so magical to me.
I think that Iced Earth songwriting is getting alot better (not that songs like dantes inferno aren't epics and well constructed) but the albums sound stronger.
I would still say Blind Guardian albums keep me interested for a little bit longer then Iced Earth's and a little more creative and original but that could change if Blind Guardians new cd isn't too good :)
There's not much between them :p
Originally posted by Mark
They're both overated ;) IE's music is pedestrian (IMO!), and characterless (all sounds the same), and BG's choral vocals (and the bardesque ones on Middle Earth) have had me rolling on the floor many a time :)

*awaits his punishment* ;)

Oh my god, its official, Marks gone absolutely BONKERS!!! :D