Blink of an Eye Extra Track??!


Black Heart
Aug 21, 2001
Elmhurst, Ill. USA
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I have been an Enchant fan since Blueprint of the World, so of course I went out and bought Blink of an Eye the week it came out. Later I find out there is a limited edition with 1 extra track, "Prognosos". What the hell, do I need to buy it again?? If I had the $$ I suppose I would but I am broke.
Damn I miss Audiogalaxy.
If anyone out there would be willing to share the mp3 of the song, please let me know. Thanks.
It's 7 minutes and called PROGnosis. It is my favorite instrumental of all times and one of my favorite tracks from the album. It is an amazing combination of melody and shred... Doug Ott shreds all over this thing!