Blodsrit – Ocularis Infernum


Jul 15, 2001
The starry attic
Blodsrit – Ocularis Infernum
Oaken Shield Records – FPG18 – June 2003
By Russell Garwood

Viking-orientated true black metal group Blodsrit hail from Sweden, and recently released their sophomore album through Oaken Shield Records. The four piece includes lead guitarist Yxmarder, who plays often simplistic, yet melodic, solo-free lines, and Fiebig, whose solid drum work drives the music throughout. Saphanox’s bass is unremarkable, but audible, while Nazgûl’s vocals are a constant black metal scream. This all makes for unoriginal, but entertaining music, made less accessible by the slightly muddy production.

While there is nothing new going on in their sound, Blodsrit are competent musicians with good songwriting, even if they do tend to depend on similar structures and feel. This can make “Ocularis Infernum” feel samey at times, but as long as you like what they are doing, this doesn’t matter. This album is recommended to fans of viking metal and true black metal alike, and acts as an accessible introduction to the latter genre, as the production could be far worse.