Crystalium - Diktat Omega
Oaken Shield - FPG21 - 2004
By Philip Whitehouse
Crystalium are a French band who apparently play 'War Black Metal'. Not quite sure what colour War Black is... presumably it's kind of charcoal-like? Anyway, decorative issues aside, they count amongst their number members of Arkhon Infaustus, Enthroned and Himinbjorg, so one would assume that they know their stuff about this whole black metal thing. Regardless of what shade of black it is. None more black, perhaps? Anyway, moving on...
The first thing you can say about this is album is 'wow, doesn't this sound a bit like Emperor?' It appears the Crystallium have gone for the whole keyboard-laden epic/symphonic black metal approach, but have tempered these tendencies with some hyperspeed velocity drumming and the occasional inclusion of military marching rhythms. 'Je' is a perfect example of these latter influences, sounding like a cross between the changing of the palace guard and something of Setherial or Satyricon's latest efforts while delivering a pleasantly nasty, anthemic black metal piece.
For the most part, though, it's black metal by numbers. Guitar solos occasionally colour the compositions in a more flattering light, and the keyboards generally just fill out the sound in suitably atmospheric fashion. Sadly, the terrible drum production makes the speedy sections lose their impact (the toms are somewhat reminiscent of Krisiun's Ageless Venomous, and we all know how bad that was...), and the general feeling is one of 'heard it all before'.
Competent, entertaining, but nowhere near essential.
Crystalium Official Website
Adipocere Records Website (Oaken Shield parent label)
Oaken Shield - FPG21 - 2004
By Philip Whitehouse

Crystalium are a French band who apparently play 'War Black Metal'. Not quite sure what colour War Black is... presumably it's kind of charcoal-like? Anyway, decorative issues aside, they count amongst their number members of Arkhon Infaustus, Enthroned and Himinbjorg, so one would assume that they know their stuff about this whole black metal thing. Regardless of what shade of black it is. None more black, perhaps? Anyway, moving on...
The first thing you can say about this is album is 'wow, doesn't this sound a bit like Emperor?' It appears the Crystallium have gone for the whole keyboard-laden epic/symphonic black metal approach, but have tempered these tendencies with some hyperspeed velocity drumming and the occasional inclusion of military marching rhythms. 'Je' is a perfect example of these latter influences, sounding like a cross between the changing of the palace guard and something of Setherial or Satyricon's latest efforts while delivering a pleasantly nasty, anthemic black metal piece.
For the most part, though, it's black metal by numbers. Guitar solos occasionally colour the compositions in a more flattering light, and the keyboards generally just fill out the sound in suitably atmospheric fashion. Sadly, the terrible drum production makes the speedy sections lose their impact (the toms are somewhat reminiscent of Krisiun's Ageless Venomous, and we all know how bad that was...), and the general feeling is one of 'heard it all before'.
Competent, entertaining, but nowhere near essential.
Crystalium Official Website
Adipocere Records Website (Oaken Shield parent label)