Deathspell Omega Kénôse
Southern Lord Recordings 2005
By Jason Jordan
Si Monumentum Requires, Circumspice. Remember that album? Of course you do. Its the one that broke barriers, and in effect launched Deathspell Omega to the summit of black metal. The menacing Frenchmen have returned with an appendix to their masterpiece, a thirty-six minute EP known as Kénôse, and as with their other records, theres a lot to like. Above all, though, this is the best BM effort Ive heard all year.
Despite the fact that this is an EP, its a lengthy affair. The first track I grabs for the sixteen-minute mark and barely misses. Its commencement is unnerving insomuch that the sparse, foreboding instrumentation hints at sinister things to come. Essentially, its like a horror movie: you know someones gonna get killed, but its just a matter of when. After the procession vibe dissipates and once the choir speaks of looming infamy, Deathspell Omega burst into a frenzy and dont let up until theyre sure theyve pounded the listener into the ground. The transition at 7:50, from an unrelenting whirlwind approach to a slower assault littered with tons of cascading riffs, is abrupt but the band pulls it off. Similarly, when they return to the softer side at 13:05, the transition is quite sudden. Unlike I, II doesnt toy around. The black metal leanings of II start slowly, but evolve to an Immortal-esque speed while the slippery, winding riffs petition to be rewound. (Youre not going to catch everything on your first trip through.) III, clocking in at nine minutes, is the underdog though it comes out swinging to compensate for brevity. Deathspell Omega become a veritable blur at this point, up until 2:00 when they ditch the BM for ambience. However, black metals sabbatical is short, as it reenters promptly thereafter and carries the song to its demise.
Sporting a massive booklet, stunning art direction, and thirty-six minutes of 2005s finest black metal, Kénôse is not to be overlooked. Youve got to trust me on this one. Fuck the rest of the conclusion. Just go get this.
Official Southern Lord Recordings Website
Southern Lord Recordings 2005
By Jason Jordan

Si Monumentum Requires, Circumspice. Remember that album? Of course you do. Its the one that broke barriers, and in effect launched Deathspell Omega to the summit of black metal. The menacing Frenchmen have returned with an appendix to their masterpiece, a thirty-six minute EP known as Kénôse, and as with their other records, theres a lot to like. Above all, though, this is the best BM effort Ive heard all year.
Despite the fact that this is an EP, its a lengthy affair. The first track I grabs for the sixteen-minute mark and barely misses. Its commencement is unnerving insomuch that the sparse, foreboding instrumentation hints at sinister things to come. Essentially, its like a horror movie: you know someones gonna get killed, but its just a matter of when. After the procession vibe dissipates and once the choir speaks of looming infamy, Deathspell Omega burst into a frenzy and dont let up until theyre sure theyve pounded the listener into the ground. The transition at 7:50, from an unrelenting whirlwind approach to a slower assault littered with tons of cascading riffs, is abrupt but the band pulls it off. Similarly, when they return to the softer side at 13:05, the transition is quite sudden. Unlike I, II doesnt toy around. The black metal leanings of II start slowly, but evolve to an Immortal-esque speed while the slippery, winding riffs petition to be rewound. (Youre not going to catch everything on your first trip through.) III, clocking in at nine minutes, is the underdog though it comes out swinging to compensate for brevity. Deathspell Omega become a veritable blur at this point, up until 2:00 when they ditch the BM for ambience. However, black metals sabbatical is short, as it reenters promptly thereafter and carries the song to its demise.
Sporting a massive booklet, stunning art direction, and thirty-six minutes of 2005s finest black metal, Kénôse is not to be overlooked. Youve got to trust me on this one. Fuck the rest of the conclusion. Just go get this.
Official Southern Lord Recordings Website