Deathspell Omega

What do you think SMR,C was?

Edit- I'd also like to add that it was one of the most stupidly overrated albums ever, and that frankly I couldn't give two shits about Kenose or either of those other two EPs. I'm quite looking forward to hearing the new Ondskapt and finally picking up a copy of Devilry, though.

Double Edit- this first part was at Nick.
I didn't know. I hadn't even heard the album until Décadent hooked me up with some sample tracks.

It's why I don't participate in the threads making fun of the lyrics. I honestly have no idea...seems funny though...
Cynical said:
Edit- I'd also like to add that it was one of the most stupidly overrated albums ever, and that frankly I couldn't give two shits about Kenose or either of those other two EPs. I'm quite looking forward to hearing the new Ondskapt and finally picking up a copy of Devilry, though.

I'd say if anything, Ondskapt and Funeral Mist are some of the most overrated black metal bands around these days (them, and Katharsis). I mean, Ondskapt is just pure Mayhem worship with classical intermissions, and Funeral Mist is just Dark Funeral on a good day.