Blood Meridian

hrm......methinks that someone here <cough>rahvin<cough> needs a life rather than trying to mathematize the band.... after all... you forgot how there music really never approaches style z, except when the lim as x-> infinity is equal to style y.... but methinks that me should be more scared cause i almost thought i understood you :confused:
@kovenant84: how could you possibly begin to understand my genius? :p
(in fact, my genius didn't speak a word of sense since he got out of that weird-looking bottle a while ago. he's possibly willing to grant me three wishes, but right now i just wish he goes away)

however, my whole point was that band s-1 sucks. badly. they're posers. :)

rahvin. (lifeless)
see...that's why I hate numetal ;)

fathervic (just realised that we will talk about the next album as DD and find it strange...dunno why though

Siren (who thought DD was a typo of DT first time she saw it, and asked the poster to edit it...)