Blood Meridian

well this is my first post in this forum, i didnt know that dt has a ultimatemetal forum :) COOL...

so we are from chile, south america an we play death melodic meatl, i hope you like it, our debut album will be release really soon!! one of our big influences is dt by the way

I always think eternal gay, and it always amuses me. But nah, although I doubt you'll be back to check this, I'll comment anyway, I love the new song. Grooves are nice and hard... really punchy production too. The lead section is slick! Really nice riff under it too. Good work.
Anyone here ever heard of Altered Aeon? I just read some good comments on em. (leaving this post to remember to download some, cant right now im at school)

There's a band in Montreal with the same name... :erk: (Augury) formed probably around the same time as this Augury from I-don't-know-where hehehe :D

People from Europe: Despised Icon, another band from Montreal will tour on the old continent March/April 2007 with Unearth and Job for a Cowboy ! They're great live and we are pretty amazed that they have this opportunity to go to Europe! :D You should check them out:
Twentieth century French composer, esotericist and author. Often called a 'Modernist' due to the emphasis on dissonance in his compositions, Rudhyar, like Gustav Holst, was in actual fact a musical mystic whose works drew on and evoked Vedic lore and Hindu sacred music.



Advent/Crisis & Overcoming/Transmutation

These three later works (the first two performed by The Kronos Quartet, the latter by pianist Maria Mikulak) illustrate the strength of Rudhyar's work: passionate, mysterious, and moving toward an almost ambient sensibility, beautiful without being cloying, dissonant without being obnoxiously flashy.
Check out this band:

Especially check out the vid they have on there. :D
(i think it's made from the same guy who made the Monochromatic Stains video, but i'm not sure)

edit: yes, it is made from the same guy, Achilleas Gatsopoulos. :)

Nicely complex and cute keyboards. Very good singer.

Dead Revolution
okay, this is kind of very close to Pantera. But it sounds good :)

Here is a new song from the upcoming Hel-album. The last release "Falland Vörandi" was a kind of metal-story to a Nordic Saga (Baldur´s Death), of which you can also still listen to an excerpt. It reminds me a lot of EOS- Crimson II.
The new track "Gedanken" is acoustic and folk-ish, so the new material goes in a very different direction.