Blood Of Nations

Yep. I was fifth row center with Mr. Zander dead ahead. Amazing show with perfect sound/acoustics.

Otherwise, I ordered my BOTN cd from England. I can't praise it enough!

Cool man, I trust it was great. I would say Cheap Trick is underrated, but I don't think that's accurate. A lot of folks really love 'em. I think of them as a heavier version of the Beatles (in a way)....hard rock with cool pop aspects, and with somewhat forward thinking and abstract lyrical concepts. Also, Robin Zander is one hell of a singer - one of my favorites. They've been out there doing their thing without a break since the 70s. Such a cool band.
I would say Cheap Trick is underrated, but I don't think that's accurate. A lot of folks really love 'em. I think of them as a heavier version of the Beatles (in a way)....hard rock with cool pop aspects, and with somewhat forward thinking and abstract lyrical concepts. Also, Robin Zander is one hell of a singer - one of my favorites. They've been out there doing their thing without a break since the 70s. Such a cool band.

+1! I agree word for word. I have been following Cheap Trick since I bought their brilliant debut album back in 1977. And indeed Robin Zander is a fantastic singer. One of my favorites! O and btw, I have never seen them live. :-(
edit....... I thought about this post and TDD, I hope you didn't think I was getting mad at you about your reply. I am actually a little upset and talking about this "release date" crap because I am going to see Accept on 9/9/10 and it is before the US release date of BotN. I would like to have my CD cover autographed by Accept and Gaby, but I am trying to figure out a way to get the best bang for the buck. If I order my CD from Japan, it will be $42 with the type of air mail I would need to get it here in time. If I order a regular European import, it will be $30 and only the normal bonus track. For less money, if I wait for release date, I can get a free camo T-shirt along with it, or have my Mother-In-Law use regular air mail from Japan. Decisions decisions.....


They might be selling the disk at the merch table at the show.
yes cheap trick is awesome and have a pretty good catalog. lets stick with accept though in this thread
+1! I agree word for word. I have been following Cheap Trick since I bought their brilliant debut album back in 1977. And indeed Robin Zander is a fantastic singer. One of my favorites! O and btw, I have never seen them live. :-(

I saw them last earlier this year. Not bad. Not totally my thing, but I enjoyed it.

It would have been nice if they had played the 70s Show theme because I only knew their singles and maybe 1-2 other songs.
how are ratt posers?

As far as I remember Ratt was one of those bands that used to dress up and make up like chicks while Accept never was. However I am old enough to not care about such things and guess Ratt themselves too. I don't have any idea how do they look lately. After all I am interested in music people make rather than way they look. I was just checking if that " no posers allowed " spirit alive or not and maybe give some excitement to forum LOL. In short, nevermind, I was just joking but also have to mention that Ratt was Glam while Accept never was.
As far as I remember Ratt was one of those bands that used to dress up and make up like chicks while Accept never was. However I am old enough to not care about such things and guess Ratt themselves too. I don't have any idea how do they look lately. After all I am interested in music people make rather than way they look. I was just checking if that " no posers allowed " spirit alive or not and maybe give some excitement to forum LOL. In short, nevermind, I was just joking but also have to mention that Ratt was Glam while Accept never was.

ratt was never true glam. they were just a hard rock band. do you own the ozzy albums bark at the moon or the ultimate sin? you shouldn't if you dislike ratt because jake e lee was ratt's guitar player before joining ozzy and a few riffs from BATM album were used in ratt tunes while jake was in the band.
ratt was never true glam. they were just a hard rock band. do you own the ozzy albums bark at the moon or the ultimate sin? you shouldn't if you dislike ratt because jake e lee was ratt's guitar player before joining ozzy and a few riffs from BATM album were used in ratt tunes while jake was in the band.

Yes I own them. I couldn't exactly get the idea behind why I shouldn't own them. Guess you did not read my previous message carefully. Ozzy worked with so many musicians including jake but his musical style was never changed to Glam just because he included Jake in his band for some time period. Ozzy's style was always Ozzy's style with Jake, Randy or Zakk. I was talking about Ratt and work they create as a band rather than just one member of the band. Besides someone might easily think that Jake is a good guitarist but Ratt as a band and the work they put out together as a band sucks.
Yes I own them. I couldn't exactly get the idea behind why I shouldn't own them. Guess you did not read my previous message carefully. Ozzy worked with so many musicians including jake but his musical style was never changed to Glam just because he included Jake in his band for some time period. Ozzy's style was always Ozzy's style with Jake, Randy or Zakk. I was talking about Ratt and work they create as a band rather than just one member of the band. Besides someone might easily think that Jake is a good guitarist but Ratt as a band and the work they put out together as a band sucks.

are you 10? ozzy's style was always bob daisley plus whatever guitar player was in the band. ozzy did shit and everyone knows it. and ultimate sin was very glam in sound and ozzy's image
I am already a member of the Accept message board. Peter and Gaby stop in from time to time. In fact, even Andy Sneap has popped in a time or two.
The only US show that is going to be played before the release date will be PPUSA as it is a one off event..... a festival as opposed to a standard leg of their tour. The next date is 9/23/10 and that really kicks off phase II of the BotN tour. The US release will be ahead of it by a little more than a week.



Good points about wanting the CD ahead of these early U.S. shows.

I suggest going here and asking them if it is possible to have them at the merch. table.

It may not be possible, but it doesn't hurt to request it.
I was just checking if that " no posers allowed " spirit alive or not and maybe give some excitement to forum LOL. In short, nevermind, I was just joking but also have to mention that Ratt was Glam while Accept never was.

The " no posers allowed " Is very dead here. It never was here. Here we accept ALL rock/metal from the 80s. Its even explicit in our rules:

"This is a place for intelligent and civilized discussion.

Remember that the music we like is a very personal choice and value to us. Insulting someones favorite band or music can deeply insult or hurt that person.

Thus here we expect you to behave as a mature person that respects the personal choices that other people make.

This implies that we debate in a civil tone and manner! For instance, we do not scream to bring our point across.

We don't care what your educational level is or how old you are or how strongly you dislike a band or genre [and that goes for glam as well!]."


As far as I can see you have done nothing wrong. You have explained your point very well.

I just wanted to let you and others know that 'old school' refers to ALL 80s rock/metal and everyone is included. One of our long time regulars was an glam fan and he was alway's treated with respect here. We expect nothing less.

mdmatt4ever said:
are you 10? ozzy's style was always bob daisley plus whatever guitar player was in the band. ozzy did shit and everyone knows it. and ultimate sin was very glam in sound and ozzy's image

Cool it down buddy. :) He did not mean any offence. I know you want to defend a damn good band but please, keep it cool. Okay?
are you 10? ozzy's style was always bob daisley plus whatever guitar player was in the band. ozzy did shit and everyone knows it. and ultimate sin was very glam in sound and ozzy's image

Watch your words kid. I am old enough but pretty sure that you are somewhere around 10 - 15 because you still don't even have a slightest idea on what I am talking about. First try to understand what I am saying and stop acting like 10 years old Ratt fanatic. Good thing Ozzy's music felt like glam and he looked very Glamish in ultimate sin. But I am pretty sure no matter how hard Ozzy tries there is no way he can sound as glamish as Ratt ( oh god I just remembered that song "Dangerous but worth the risk" lol ) You must be very happy because Ozzy looked liked that but I really don't care and I am not a fan of neither Ozzy or Ratt. Main idea here was back in the day Accept and Ratt were very different bands regarding style of music they play, their fans, way they look etc...If you do not know or understand or feel it in their music that's an another issue. You might prefer one style/band to another and that's all about personal taste and nobody's saying anything about that.
i understand what you are saying but you also try and forget that accept never released eat the heat. i am much older than 15 and ratt would not even make my list of top 25 favorite bands although there album this year is so good its in my top 10.
The " no posers allowed " Is very dead here. It never was here. Here we accept ALL rock/metal from the 80s. Its even explicit in our rules:

"This is a place for intelligent and civilized discussion.

Remember that the music we like is a very personal choice and value to us. Insulting someones favorite band or music can deeply insult or hurt that person.

Thus here we expect you to behave as a mature person that respects the personal choices that other people make.

This implies that we debate in a civil tone and manner! For instance, we do not scream to bring our point across.

We don't care what your educational level is or how old you are or how strongly you dislike a band or genre [and that goes for glam as well!]."


As far as I can see you have done nothing wrong. You have explained your point very well.

I just wanted to let you and others know that 'old school' refers to ALL 80s rock/metal and everyone is included. One of our long time regulars was an glam fan and he was alway's treated with respect here. We expect nothing less.

Cool it down buddy. :) He did not mean any offence. I know you want to defend a damn good band but please, keep it cool. Okay?

You sound more like defender of matt rather than someone reminding me the rules. Because neither of these things below you say applies to me or anything I wrote. I clearly stated that no posers was a joke. For other things you say I totally agree with you. Hope you are sensible about everyone here equally. And your buddy should really cool it down and first read what I am saying maybe try to understand and then reply.

" Thus here we expect you to behave as a mature person that respects the personal choices that other people make.

This implies that we debate in a civil tone and manner! For instance, we do not scream to bring our point across.

We don't care what your educational level is or how old you are or how strongly you dislike a band or genre [and that goes for glam as well! "
we get it. you said it as a joke but your original post had no indication that it was a joke in anyway. a poser is someone who tries to be something they are not. ratt always said they were hard rock, never said they were metal, never tried to jump ship to a totally different style. accept did. thats all i say about that and lets move on and keep it focused on this great new accept album
Could easily become my favouorite 2010 release ... only Ratt's Infestation has the potential to give it horns.

I agree. These are my 2 favorites this year, and they both are very similar because Ratt also has harnessed their "signature" sound and modernized it. 2 great albums, and maybe even 2 of the best "comeback" albums I've ever heard.

For some reason, both albums also have their bonus track as track #7. :lol:
I think it's bullshit that there are only a handful of U.S. shows. Hoepfully there's a second leg in 2011. Mark, Peter and Wolf were on Eddie Trunk'show Friday night and there wasn't a mention of additional dates so I guess what has been confrimed is all there is...
It was sickening to hear Eddie Trunk pull off another on of his "fanboy"
routines on the guys from Accept. He might as well have blown them. Seriously it would have made even Bryant think "this guy laying it on thick." I will say this; Accept made me a believer, this could have been like Maiden with Bailey or Van Halen with Cherone, the third time isn't the charm. For Accept it certainly was.