bloodbath cd

Why trade regularly available songs in this age of interweb filesharing revolution? Or post about it on the band's forum?

(he's with the RIAA)
i only ever download songs to see what a band sounds like and if i like it i'll buy it.
People that download all their music and never buy cds should die!!!
I agree deathfist.

Although you may love the band, you're basically giving them the finger if you don't buy their albums and just dl the album off of a filesharing network. Music is the band's profession and every album gives them revinue which helps them keep the lights on and gives them funds to...thats right... record their next album.

The most honorable way to support a band is through buying their albums.

use the net to find out what bands you like. Then go support the bands.
Some people can't afford to buy all the CDs they want though. At least filesharing gives the music more exposure. Let's face it, people who download the albums wouldn't have ever bought them anyway, so it's a win-win situation.
deathfist said:
i only ever download songs to see what a band sounds like and if i like it i'll buy it.
People that download all their music and never buy cds should die!!!

I dont agree with you at all. If you just download a little and someone else downloads alot, you should both die. Cause you both did it, who cares how much!
the only stuff i download is live bootlegs from SoulSeek
i'd never download full albums or live albums, i think it's just wrong and disrespectful for a band that puts hard work into an album and these people that call themselves fans just rip it off from the internet