Bloodbath guessing game(line up)

Hey I stepped out of it because I think it's kind of odd but that particular quote just sounded like a forewarning and the drenched part just seemed right. That quote was not there until recently. I do not believe it will be sfof anymore, they are still doing their own music I just found out. Bloodbath + SFoF writing demo's at the same time doesn't seem practical. Bloodbath is supposed to be going full time
The "Prepare tp be drenched" quote has been there all the time ;)

I noticed it the first time I wisited the page, when Kopulator posted the SFoF thread.
Hey guys I saw that Kopulator had posted in SFoF thread yesterday.He had mentioned the things that going on with SFoF.So we can think that they're on with their own business but then again why didn't he post here to clear our minds??
Hey Delta, if you're in Brantford, you should come out to a show in cambridge on april 28th (this sat). You'll witness the awesomeness of our scene

You're in Cambridge eh? That's pretty damn excellent, I just moved here like a month ago and am trying like hell to find some way to get into the scene here. Everywhere I go in Brantford there is just shitty punk bands everywhere... I just may show up t a show and check it out.
You're in Cambridge eh? That's pretty damn excellent, I just moved here like a month ago and am trying like hell to find some way to get into the scene here. Everywhere I go in Brantford there is just shitty punk bands everywhere... I just may show up t a show and check it out.

Yeah, Brantford is all punk. It's at 69 pick up's in downtown hespeler (part of cambridge). Hope you can make it