BLOODBATH: New Album Title, Release Date Revealed

sweet jesus, that slow chugging riff with the wild pinch harmonic at the end of the treasonous is one of the heaviest pieces of music Ive ever heard.
Sorry for crap quality. Peter signed the booklet on back. Digipack is under license of Scarecrow Records, I forgot exactly where that was, South America or Brazil or something.

Since the album shipped today from Peaceville and will reach some people tomorrow and most of the others in the next days, I hereby declare green light to openly discuss the new album. Feel free to review it, make polls about it, basically discuss it in any way you want. Just follow the rules, use common sense and make sure to watch your tongue when it comes to the illegal download topic and you will be alright.
Sorry for crap quality. Peter signed the booklet on back. Digipack is under license of Scarecrow Records, I forgot exactly where that was, South America or Brazil or something.

That's most likely the Mexican licenced version, I have a few Mexican CD's from that label that I bought on ebay as well, they are also digpaks like that one.
logo and titles will actually be printed with a metallic gold and not the yellowish tint u see on the cover.
as for the coverart concept and title it will all come together once u see the full picture and read some of the lyrics, if not then we're sorry for ya!

What happened to the metallic gold logo?
miscommunication along the way i assume...
there were some rgb and cmyk synch problems back and forth with the printing....too green, too dark, too brown, too bright... guess there's a chance to correct the problem for the future pressings but the gold enhancement would have fitted the digibook more nicely than the jewel case version that's replaces the digibook. we'll see...
I actually meant the image itself, the contrast could've been a bit stronger i.m.o. to emphasize the details of the painting. But then, let's see how the vinyl will turn out!

I don't know, I'm glad it's a bit darker to be honest. I wasn't a huge fan of the first postings online. Thought they looked a little too cartoonish. Now that I have the digibook I find everything fits perfectly, and I'm really happy they got rid of that awful gold logo. Those closeups look so intense.....