Bloodbath Song Survivor Finals - Round 1 (Vote for the WORST song!)

Which song is the worst of your choice?

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  • Poll closed .
wait wait wait...
why in the hell is Breeding Death up there?
that should not be up there. that is a really good song.
i think my ideal would be furnace funeral, like fire, soul evisceration, weak aside
Breeding Death.....yes its old school....but its not as well written as the rest in my opinon.

It's a great old school DM e.p and everything just could have used 1,2 more songs and the e.p also does not demenstrate what the musicians in the band are capable of.
im sorry but breeding death had to lose this round, something stinks here
i guess weak aside was just released too recently to be good
Breeding Death can't lose...When that ep was released these guys were young and just wanted to make a killer tribute ep...not saying the albums after it suck or anything, but I think the ep is genuinely the coolest thing they made. Go ahead, rip me a new one.
Really, really hard...ended up going for "Cancer of the Soul." Cry My Name was the first Bloodbath song I heard...Breeding Death is so classic...and Weak Aside shows the awesome direction the band is going.

All of these songs are Bloodbath-perfection, though.
I sincerely apologize for voting Weak Aside but when it's 12 votes each then both would have to go, right? And Cancer has to survive, it's my dearest darling!
I hate polls, shouldn't have read it at all...