Bloodsoaked (new album)

it's old school dude! =D

Shane, PLEASE give me more details on the guitar chain! I absolutely fucking LOVE this tone!!!!! I still can't believe it's 100 ITB!!!

How did you set the CL1B, was it going into G.R. at all?

Also, mind sharing which impulses you used from your VST? I haven't tried it yet but I will definitely buy it if I can pull some tones like this!!!!

=D Seriously, I think this is AMAZING.
it's old school dude! =D

Shane, PLEASE give me more details on the guitar chain! I absolutely fucking LOVE this tone!!!!! I still can't believe it's 100 ITB!!!

How did you set the CL1B, was it going into G.R. at all?

Also, mind sharing which impulses you used from your VST? I haven't tried it yet but I will definitely buy it if I can pull some tones like this!!!!

=D Seriously, I think this is AMAZING.

Thanks, for the kind words!!

I've made a screenshot of my settings in Cubase for the rhythm guitars, check it out here. The CL1B goes into gain reduction, but it's only set to around 2:1 ratio, so it's not too crazy, just enough to hit the input stage of LeGion in a way that was beneficial for these tracks (without reducing the low end the way a tube screamer does.) The only thing not pictured is the Waves C4 setting I use on the guitar stereo buss, which is pretty much the Andy Sneap C4 settings adjusted to fit the tone.

Under more typical circumstances, the settings you see in my screenshot would very likely be overgained, so back off the various gain stages a bit to taste if you play around with these settings.
Thanks Dan and Fragle for the cool words. You never hear much about guitar players such as myself as far as playing solid rhythm guitar so I appreciate the support.
Here is it "Consume The Flesh" the brand new Bloodsoaked song featuring a guest guitar solo from James Murphy (Death/Obituary/Disincarnate). This will only be posted for a few days so enjoy!!!

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*Slightly off topic*

Did you also get the backline rider from Death Feast open air?
They have two Dual Rectifiers and one JCM 900 amps as backline. And two JCM 900 4x12 cabs.

Anybody could tell me a good setting for a drop A Death Metal sound with a passive pickup guitar as I won't have the time to fiddle around with it.
Should I bring a tubescreamer with me?
*Slightly off topic*

Did you also get the backline rider from Death Feast open air?
They have two Dual Rectifiers and one JCM 900 amps as backline. And two JCM 900 4x12 cabs.

Anybody could tell me a good setting for a drop A Death Metal sound with a passive pickup guitar as I won't have the time to fiddle around with it.
Should I bring a tubescreamer with me?

Yes, I received the backline rider for the equipment and I am going to bring what I always bring when flying to a show/festival, my Metal Zone, Tuner and Noise Suppressor pedals and hope for the best...LOL Sometimes I get lucky and the supplied head will have all the distortion I need so I don't have to use the Metal Zone.

What band are you playing with at the DFOA? Looking forward to meeting you next week.

Yes, I received the backline rider for the equipment and I am going to bring what I always bring when flying to a show/festival, my Metal Zone, Tuner and Noise Suppressor pedals and hope for the best...LOL Sometimes I get lucky and the supplied head will have all the distortion I need so I don't have to use the Metal Zone.

What band are you playing with at the DFOA? Looking forward to meeting you next week.


Hi Peter,
I'll play there with Depression on Friday. Unfortunately I can't be there Thursday when you play. :( But if you are still there the next day just say hi.

This is fantastic! Shane, it's hard to believe that you decided to go all ITB instead of using your e530! This is definitely the best I've heard LeGion sound! Seriously good job to both Bloodsoaked for the overall performance and songwriting, and to shane for a great job on the mix and production!