Bloodstock 2003

I would also like a copy of the pics if u anyone could help me out. or if ur making a website with em on could u please send me the url. thanks kindly
I took a whole disposable cameras-worth of Nightwish photos while they were playing. Amazing! They put on such a good show, I will scan and send them to you if you like, but they won't be developed for a while. I was very glad cameras were allowed (or were they?) this year, it's great for remembering the experience, and I got a great photo of Tarja giving me a gesture! to me! directly to me I swear! :-D
Joe5now said:
I took a whole disposable cameras-worth of Nightwish photos while they were playing. Amazing! They put on such a good show, I will scan and send them to you if you like, but they won't be developed for a while. I was very glad cameras were allowed (or were they?) this year, it's great for remembering the experience, and I got a great photo of Tarja giving me a gesture! to me! directly to me I swear! :-D

I checked the back of the ticket at some point, and it said that no camera's or recording equipment and no smoking or drinking were allowed in the auditoriums... :lol: Yeah, like anyone took any notice of that!! I totally forgot my camera on the Friday night-- gutted, I really wanted a photo with Steve Wray and John Slater from Blaze-- they weren't even there on Saturday night when I _had_ my camera :waah: On the up side, I got a top notch photo of me n Blaze. He rocks :rock: Hell, they all did!!

I missed Nightwish -- bad Taz -- cause I was hanging out with Bates Motel and getting rather pished, but I heard them, and got to see a load of the smaller bands in the Darwin suite. Was a bit annoyed that some of the decent ones were on at the same times as other bands I wanted to see, or signing sessions... Also found it surprising that so many people didn't realise there was another stage -- at least that meant they didn't find the other bar either :Saint:

The photographers were ejected from the photo pit after the first song - because the security were afraid that the barrier was going to give way.

All my photos came out blurred :( Hope someone else did better than that :)
random_phil said:
If anyone took any pictures of me & my mates wearing our plastic armour with plastic swords and axes, could they e-mail me them please? We want to choose the best picture of them to put on various websites, gig flyers etc.

Hehe, you guys looked so cool!! I wanted to take some pix of you lot, but wasn't sure how pleased you'd be with some random scantily-clad stranger waving a camera at you! :lol: Guess I should've taken the risk!

Taz :rock:
mad_taz said:
Hehe, you guys looked so cool!! I wanted to take some pix of you lot, but wasn't sure how pleased you'd be with some random scantily-clad stranger waving a camera at you! :lol: Guess I should've taken the risk!

Taz !:rock:

Quite a few people took our pics. We're just publicity whores at heart, so you should have taken the risk. You'll know for next year now!