Bloodstock Rocked


Voice of INTENSE
Sep 9, 2002
Just wanted to say a big "thank you" from me and the guys to everyone that turned up early saturday morning to see us open the main stage, we never anticipated that so many people would turn up and at how vocal and lively a crowd there'd be. It was definitely the highlight of the year for us and we hope to play BS again some time in the future ... cheers :headbang:

A big hello and thanks to everyone who helped out, bought beer and chatted to us during both days.. i'll be posting a full BS report very soon :worship:
Hey sean its Viking from the bloodstock forum..Just wanted to say a big cheers to you guys playing a blinding set which has made intense a new favourite band of mine and also has led me owning a intense ls and cd :D

The show was killer..the winged and the skull of sidon rocked more than ayers rock. I hope you can do a gig in Leeds sometime mate. I did want to say hello to you guys and ask how the metal bash gig went but I didnt get the opportunity.

Well done lads, its bands like yourself that are giving england its rightful of claim of a very metal country!

:headbang: :dopey:
Hey Viking, welcome to the forum mate, thanks for the kind words, it's really cool you enjoyed the set so much. We're looking at booking some more shows for later in the year, so Leeds maybe a possibility.

Next time you see us, make sure you come and say Hi man.. be cool to meet you.

Thanks again for the support ...and Spread the word :headbang: :headbang:
sean-intense said:
Hey Viking, welcome to the forum mate, thanks for the kind words, it's really cool you enjoyed the set so much. We're looking at booking some more shows for later in the year, so Leeds maybe a possibility.

Next time you see us, make sure you come and say Hi man.. be cool to meet you.

Thanks again for the support ...and Spread the word :headbang: :headbang:

Thanks sean! :D

When i got back to Leeds, i went to the pub with a couple of mates and got them to play the skull of sidon three times as it always got cut out cos the of the bloody jukebox! :D
Glad that someone else agrees that Skull is a much more than class tune. It's my favourite song from Second Sight so Nick i bow to you :worship: for having a cool imagination. I looked up the actual legend, it is really twisted :Spin: anyhow the script has been put on hold for the time being guys, I know some of you want to see it, Neil has seen what I had written but my laptop is currently being horrible and not working :erk: anyway keep :headbang: 'in guys!
Ha ha thanks Nick! A follow up sounds great and like it's said "Whilst the flag still flies above us, we will heed the call, Skull of Sidon, power protect us, we shall never fall!!!!!!"

Maybe if you need a bit of extra help I could give you some sneaks from my script and we could use that for a follow up track :loco:
I think I missed the first song as i got there about 12 o clock but still, what i did see I fucking loved!! I'm so glad you played Skull of Sidon and The Winged, as those are the two tracks i knew as i downloaded them from your site! Fucking amazing! In fact im listening to Skull of Sidon now :D :D

btw Nick I'm the guy who e-mailed you about being tee total :D
Most certainly would be embarrasing after the amount of alcohol that Nick has been seen to consume in the past. Usually with curry.... How you doing Infinite? Don't think you can claim you were drunk in charge of your keyboard or anything!
haha no i wasnt drunk, on account of the fact i dont drink ;) I reckon i'll be fine as long as everyone forgets i wrote it. I dont even know why i thought Nick was Neil! Probably just the first letter seemed familiar!
The "old" nick would consume alcohol in quite large quantities, 'tis true!

I'm much more restrained these days though - I've let others take on the mantle of "gets ratted on tour" dude (mentioning no names :p)

Curry - now that's a different matter - still well up for the odd Indian or twenty ...!