

INTENSE's "Bitch"
Aug 8, 2004
It has to be said that Intense took over the main stage when they were on, and as I told Sean the guys looked like Gods up there with the huge stage and the banners and the lighting etc it was too awesome. The reaction you guys got from the crowd from where I was standing was too good, it was easy to see you guys were loving it especially when you all got really into it and from what I hear Dave being on a natural high :loco: Just wanted to be the first to write something about Bloodstock anyway and tell you that you guys rocked - and the crowd agreed because you guys got the most applause next to the headlining band! Take care and I'll see you guys on Sunday at the launch in Camden! :worship:
I have to agree with Maria - you guys rocked! :worship: I remember looking up at the balcony and it was pretty packed - everyone seemed to be getting in to it! We were getting loads of interest at the merch stall afterwards too! (I should have loads of photos of Bloodstock and Stripes by next week if they came out OK!) Lets hope its the start of bigger and better things to come! :D
Hello from all the MR crew - looking forward to the Bristol show. Should be a good 'un. Give us a chance to stretch our legs once we've finished importing non-Eu drummers...

Great festival and well done to the the Intense mob for putting on a top-notch show. Would have seen more but we were manning your bloody merch stall... haha !!

Nice to meet Maria and the rest of the band properly for once, and help each other out. That's what it's all about :headbang: