Bloodstock UK Metal Fest


Jan 12, 2003
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Just curious as to the likelihood of Jag playing any Bloodstock event in the near future...The name's been bandied around on the Bloodstock forum as one that people would like to see, and i know that on the old BS UM board either Mark or Chris replied to a thread saying they'd love to play the fest...considering there's 2 next year (Open Air and Indoor)...just wondering?...
We'd love to play Bloodstock. If fact, for a while it looked like we were on the bill last year. I had some contact with a promoter and the festival organizers. Everything seemed in order, then all of a sudden they weren't interested in having us play. I don't know what happened.

We've never been a 'flavor of the month' type band. There are always bands and genres within metal that are popular at any given time. We've never been one of those bands. We sell a respectable amount, but we've been the 'hot seller' for any label.

Those 'hot seller' bands come and go. But I'm proud that Jag Panzer makes music that stands the test of time. Around the time of 'Ample Destruction', one of the more popular heavy videos on MTV was the 3 piece band Vendetta (from Detroit I think, not the Euro version) on Epic. I remember seeing thier video in the local rock bar and hearing peoples comments 'That band is making it, Jag Panzer is going nowhere'. And at the time I'm sure that Vendetta sold a lot more then we did.

I did a Google search just now. 9 hits for the trio Vendetta. 65,100 hits for Jag Panzer.

There are a lot of bands like Vendetta today. Popular now, gone next year. But unfortunetly, sometimes these are the bands that appeal to festival promoters.

Bloodstock looks like a GREAT show. WE'D LOVE TO DO IT.
