Bloody Behringer.. (BMW)

Benny H

Nov 6, 2004
Brisbane, Australia
So, this store - not long ago had all the Sansamp bass DI's + modeling stuff. I wanted to try the bass driver/DI out, cause i'd seen them get some good raps here. Plus it's pretty cheap anyway so it wouldn't be a disaster if it didn't give me the holy grail tone... and I need a DI regardless.

But all but one or two Sansamp units went missing from the store since a few weeks ago, so I emailed today to see if they're getting that stuff again. This is the response:

Hi Ben,
The new Behringer GDI21 modeler/DI/ has killed the Sansamp stuff dead because of its excellent sound quality and $70 price. Have you tried these out ? Let me know.


To ad to this, before I even checked my email when I got home from work, I went through my real mail, which included a catalog from this same store, the front page was like a wall of Behringer pedals. And throughout ..they're just trying to flog the shit out of it, I'm like 'ugh..for fucks sake'...

And then I checked my email to find that ^.. my response was something like "not really interested in Behringer, particularly for DI"

I've only actually had experience with the V-amp when it comes to Behringer, and I'm not one to write them off completely cause of price (even though 'get what you pay for' seems to work ok as a rule).. but I would like a choice. And I will write off their DI, because James Murphy says so!

Meh.. go somewhere else? of course, but there's not a great deal of online shops in Australia so it's a pity that this one's going down the tube a bit.

Anyway, I know Bee-ringer has been discussed here and there on this board, but I just wanted your attention to vent. And I guess I'll ask have others been finding this stuff thrown in their face more and more? And do others find music gear sales people seem to be really annoying and clueless most of the time?

oh btw, "BMW" = Bitch, Moan, Whinge ;)
ugghh.. that sounds annoying. you know what though... there will always be someone who will sell top and mid quality gear... just seek them out, i'm sure they are there. and be sure the "behringer store" knows to whom and why they lost your business. man.. the ridiculous statement in that email you got just kills me. it's just that kind of self-serving attitude that renders the opinion of any sales person useless to me, but this reeks of a serverely disgusting case of it.
I hate the reps at just about all music stores. There seems to be only two types of people that work in music stores around here...there's (A) The clueless 18 year old that keeps giving you the wrong info about products even though you profess that you know what you're talking about, or (B) The total ass that ALWAYS tries to sell you a product that's a substitute for what you really want, which always happens to be half the cost (even though he professes it to be twice the quality).

Here's the follow up:
Hi Ben,
No worries but your money loss. Sansamp products are outrageously overpriced in Australia because of a very greedy middle man/distributor...not because they are better quality than Behringer. Behringer only deal direct with retailers (worldwide) with no middle-man. This is why it is so affordable not because it is bad quality as many people mistakenly believe. Why don't you at least try it ...everyone who does is thrilled with it ?
best regards,
I think behinger makes some good stuff. their guitar heads sound like utter shit though. The Eurodesk mixers are cool. I took one apart after spilling a drink in it and they're built very good. And i just picked up a Ultragain tube pre that i really like. got some awesome guitar tones to disk with it. But, i've never got to use 1073 or anything of that caliber. :yell:
Where She Wept said:
I think behinger makes some good stuff. their guitar heads sound like utter shit though. The Eurodesk mixers are cool. I took one apart after spilling a drink in it and they're built very good. And i just picked up a Ultragain tube pre that i really like. got some awesome guitar tones to disk with it. But, i've never got to use 1073 or anything of that caliber. :yell:
i think you have a case of "i bought it so i'm convinced it good"... sorry to be blunt, but though i agree that Behringer makes some decent compressors and gates... like the Autocom, etc... thanks to the designs they stole off other companies, it's no mystery that the Ultragain "Tube" Pre is an utter joke.. the tube does NOTHING but sit in the circuit... and it's so underpowered that they had to put orange/yello LED's behind it to simulate the "glow of the tube". i've heard of someone doing a test where they removed the tube and replaced it in the circuit with a paper clip and it sounded BETTER.

Let's just not discuss the Eurodesk at all. :yuk:

See, I even caught Andy on camera, showing his disdain for the Ultragain to a drunken Behringer fan at a pub in Derby.

And the Eurodesk... this is about what it's good for:
so what's wrong with the eurodesk? i used one for live sound at a club i used to work for. I ripped the thing apart to clean it and it was built really tough. only an idiot would think that a $120 tube preamp cold compete with one in the 4 digit range. come on:loco: if you could afford a Neve 1073 would you buy an ultragain? And so what if the tube is running starved, I bet you guys are true bypass freaks as well. Don't forget tubes are completly inefficient compared to a transistor, yet you put a tube in front of a solid state circuit that converts it to digital, and eveyone starts jackin' off. a neve 1073 is completly transistorized, so does that mean it sucks too?

God, if you guys whine this much. i'll start a figgin Star Wars debate
Where She Wept said:
so what's wrong with the eurodesk? i used one for live sound at a club i used to work for. I ripped the thing apart to clean it and it was built really tough. only an idiot would think that a $120 tube preamp cold compete with one in the 4 digit range. come on:loco: if you could afford a Neve 1073 would you buy an ultragain? And so what if the tube is running starved, I bet you guys are true bypass freaks as well. Don't forget tubes are completly inefficient compared to a transistor, yet you put a tube in front of a solid state circuit that converts it to digital, and eveyone starts jackin' off. a neve 1073 is completly transistorized, so does that mean it sucks too?

God, if you guys whine this much. i'll start a figgin Star Wars debate
show where anyone criticized the Neve and i'll meet you on Tatooine with my lightsaber. o_O
Me and my band once played in Bristol (UK) at a venue called "the bierkeller". The ENTIRE system at the venue is beringher: Desk, outboard, speakers... everything, everywhere.

Sounded BAD. all the bands that night sounded shit....

The face of Decapitated's engineer as he walked into the venue, was priceless though.
I used a Behringer desk in the studio for several years, I did some fairly good productions on it but when I got the desk I have now, I REALLY noticed the difference. The Eurodesk has very good routing and I liked that, but the EQ was always the big problem for me (didn't use the preamps on the desk luckily).

I recently travelled all the way to Russia to do FOH sound for a band, only to discover that the huge PA in the venue sported a...BEHRINGER DESK! I've never managed to set a guitar sound that bad, I actually felt ashamed afterwards and wanted to just hide...