Behringer DI100 DI Box


He whom thou art not
Hey fellas. I was reading random shit and happened upon mention of the Behringer and noticed that you put this mo fo between your amp and your cab. Seems like the perfect point to tap a signal for maximum tone. Do other DI boxes work like this? I have seen some attenuators and power soaks with line outs which is similar I suppose. It seems the line out of my amp and the input on my sound card don't match up by a long shot so It seemed like the Behringer might be a good middle-man. I know being Behringer it's not gonna be super awesome but I've heard it said that they're pretty descent.

I guess what I'm asking is, should I buy one and just see how it works out?

Does it attempt to emulate a cab?

Would it work descent to capture my amps sound for applying impulses to?



I've got both, and for the purpose of tracking DI's they're good. I don't love the cab sim on the Ultra-G, but it's not bad. You'll get way better results using impulses in your DAW. When i first got mine I used it all the time, and was stoked with it. Then I discovered impulses and haven't used the cab sim button since ;). But if you just wanna plug your head into your soundcard, it's a pretty nice little unit.

A mate of mine uses the Ultra-G for guitars in the club he does live sound at, and it sounds really good.
GI-100, not DI-100. And no, I don't recommend either. They're not reliable or noise-free enough for my liking.

I dunno, my housemate has the DI-100, and while I haven't messed with it too much, I used it to record some DI's and to run a bass through a PA speaker and it sounded fine (and quiet) to me! Obviously can't comment on the reliability though...
I've used loads of DI-100's in various live environments, theres absolutely nothing wrong with them. Sturdy, good enough signal, minimal noise and really cheap to boot.
I think the Samson S-Direct is what I'm after. I don't want something that's gonna do a shitty 'RedBox' speaker emulation. Just something to go between the amp and cab to tap that signal from the amp. An Attenuator would be nice but those are a lot more money. I can use the live speaker sound as the monitor, rock out and apply impulses to the recorded signal. I don't think volume will be an issue either way.

Thanks for the input fellas.