I don't think Cacophany II will be happening anytime soon! LOL!

And yeah, I wouldn't want to be compared to Jason. Marty and Jason had a really special friendship while they were working together. Marty and I get along great but to try to pull off something similar to what they had way back when is a bit unrealistic, sad to say.

Ok dammit. Then a different band where you still feature a lot of guitar, but it's a cross between Marty's more recent heavy stuff and your style, especially the newer Blotted Science stuff.

Of course I was joking about the whole Cacophony II part; I would never dis' Jason ever. But if you guys did your own thing, it would rule. Barney Greenway on vocals, one of Marty's J-pop stars on backup. Get some crazy funk guy on Bass. Like the guy who played on Centrifugal Funk (Jimmy Earl). Then you should probably keep Charlie Z for the drums.

You could start a whole new Death/Pop/Prog genre. :D

Do it now!

Or I will invoke the powers of the evil rabbit!
There will be terrible peril!
I don't think Cacophany II will be happening anytime soon! LOL!

And yeah, I wouldn't want to be compared to Jason. Marty and Jason had a really special friendship while they were working together. Marty and I get along great but to try to pull off something similar to what they had way back when is a bit unrealistic, sad to say.


Yeah its true that the friendship they had and the way they complemented each other in their guitarplaying isnt coming back in the same way, but i would say that we get reminded of Jason and Marty when u play with him Ron! And thats just cuz u are on the same genius and highlyskilled level as Jason was (or even better) :rock:
You could start a whole new Death/Pop/Prog genre. :D

XthoughtstreamsX had a song called Hardcore/Indie/Pop that pretty much fits your description. Good song. Some of their grindcore songs weren't so exciting, though, and they never did a proper release (just split vinyls). If you want the mp3, I have it from when they were on years back.
XthoughtstreamsX had a song called Hardcore/Indie/Pop that pretty much fits your description. Good song. Some of their grindcore songs weren't so exciting, though, and they never did a proper release (just split vinyls). If you want the mp3, I have it from when they were on years back.

Sounds like it's worth a listen.

Hardcore though... :eek::ill:
BS tour would be awesome! Hopefully they can put something together, and if they can't get to Australia, record a gig for dvd with some spastic ink stuff as well... :D

Must stop asking for more... It'll be fantastic to get the cd itself! :rock: