Ok, this is kind of a funny story. I met up with two italian nevermore fans at the airport and hitched a ride with them (after spending an arm and a leg to rent a car) to a cool little hotel in Dortmund. We left for the show early and stopped at some park across town so they could buy some weed. We waited in the park and finally they got hooked up and we left for our car parked on the street near the entrance. As we were walking down toward our ride a police van turned the corner and proceeded to stop us and search us for drugs. I was thinking..."not this time too....I just want to see this fucking show!" I thought for sure we were spending the night in jail instead of Bochum. But, they searched us and found.....nothing. They let us go and apparently one of my friends threw the bag away when he saw the van coming. (Bravo Andrea...sei in gamba!!!) So no jail...just Nevermore.
So we got to Zeche and I met up with Narrot who posts here often. Very nice guy. I also saw my other friends from the last show that got cancelled, so it was cool.
The doors opened and I went up front between Jeff and WD and waited patiently. Show was supposed to start at 8, but 830 is when the lights finally went off. Some guitar tech was fucking around for 1/2 an hour which made me wonder....why now? They had the entire afternoon to make sure things were properly set up.
The crowd was getting fucking impatient and there was a lot of energy.
Finally Precognition started and everyone was going nuts. The band came out and busted into Final Product and it was on from there.
I wont post the setlist because it has already been posted.
As already mentioned, there were actually quite a few fuck ups during the show. I dont know if they were nervous or what, but I was kind of surprised, not that it is anything that important. The biggest blunder was Warrel making a big speech before The Heart Collector, and when they started the song, Van accidentally went into Born while everyone else played The Heart Collector. WD told me after the show that Van's setlist was folded over so THC was covered up and he couldnt see it properly. Chris's guitar fucked up during THC when they played it, too, and that was noticable. WD also missed a few lyrics and timed some things incorrectly. But nothing made the show any less enjoyable than it was. Best Nevermore show I have ever seen...the setlist was awesome although Engines of Hate and 7 Tongues would have ruled. I was also surprised they only played two songs from EOR. I was hoping maybe Ambivalent since I havent heard that one, or Tomorrow Turned into Yesterday. But, like I said beore, just an awesome show with so much energy.
Met all the guys after the show..even Van who tried to sneak away, but I caught him and talked for a few mins. WD gave me the setlist as a reward for returning to Bochum from Boston after the first show was cancelled. I would take the pic and scan it but I dont have my camera with me here in Italy. Talked with Jeff for a few mins about past gigs in Nottingham and stuff, which was fun.
Funniest quote of the night....
random fan to WD when he was signing shit post-show: "Do you like signing autographs and being famous?)
WD: (Looked around, kind of taken back)..."Uh, well...it doesn't suck...)
Jim said the DVD most likely wont be out until June. It will sound great when Andy gets his hands on it, I am sure. Concerning Steve, I asked, and was told what we already know...he is awaiting a doner and transplant, and that was all.
So the show kicked ass, hard. After 15,000 miles travelled, lots of money, a near arrest in Germany, I can finally die a happy man knowing I was at this great event
So we got to Zeche and I met up with Narrot who posts here often. Very nice guy. I also saw my other friends from the last show that got cancelled, so it was cool.
The doors opened and I went up front between Jeff and WD and waited patiently. Show was supposed to start at 8, but 830 is when the lights finally went off. Some guitar tech was fucking around for 1/2 an hour which made me wonder....why now? They had the entire afternoon to make sure things were properly set up.
The crowd was getting fucking impatient and there was a lot of energy.
Finally Precognition started and everyone was going nuts. The band came out and busted into Final Product and it was on from there.
I wont post the setlist because it has already been posted.
As already mentioned, there were actually quite a few fuck ups during the show. I dont know if they were nervous or what, but I was kind of surprised, not that it is anything that important. The biggest blunder was Warrel making a big speech before The Heart Collector, and when they started the song, Van accidentally went into Born while everyone else played The Heart Collector. WD told me after the show that Van's setlist was folded over so THC was covered up and he couldnt see it properly. Chris's guitar fucked up during THC when they played it, too, and that was noticable. WD also missed a few lyrics and timed some things incorrectly. But nothing made the show any less enjoyable than it was. Best Nevermore show I have ever seen...the setlist was awesome although Engines of Hate and 7 Tongues would have ruled. I was also surprised they only played two songs from EOR. I was hoping maybe Ambivalent since I havent heard that one, or Tomorrow Turned into Yesterday. But, like I said beore, just an awesome show with so much energy.
Met all the guys after the show..even Van who tried to sneak away, but I caught him and talked for a few mins. WD gave me the setlist as a reward for returning to Bochum from Boston after the first show was cancelled. I would take the pic and scan it but I dont have my camera with me here in Italy. Talked with Jeff for a few mins about past gigs in Nottingham and stuff, which was fun.
Funniest quote of the night....
random fan to WD when he was signing shit post-show: "Do you like signing autographs and being famous?)
WD: (Looked around, kind of taken back)..."Uh, well...it doesn't suck...)

Jim said the DVD most likely wont be out until June. It will sound great when Andy gets his hands on it, I am sure. Concerning Steve, I asked, and was told what we already know...he is awaiting a doner and transplant, and that was all.
So the show kicked ass, hard. After 15,000 miles travelled, lots of money, a near arrest in Germany, I can finally die a happy man knowing I was at this great event