Bodom at Den Bosch!!! (spoilers)

Last night totally kicked ass!

Thine Eyes Bleed: Alot better than a thought, singer was pretty intense the rest of the band wasn't overally mobile but that doesn't really matter. They played about 4 or 5 songs, went by pretty quick though. Lights were good, plenty of strobe lights, kinda freaky :loco: . Overall alot better than I had expected.

Children of Bodom!!!!: It was my third time seeing them in the last year so yeah, it was completely and utterly fantastic. The whole band was in a good mood, crowd was fairly active, not that rough, which made picture opportunities more frequent. A little disappointed at the length of their show. I assumed that they would have a larger set because LOG was not there but the had the usual UA setlist length. Which consisted of:

Silent Night
Needled 24/7
Living Dead Beat
Angels Don't Kill
Hate Me!
In Your Face

Pictures will be posted in Piccies...

In Flames: This was my first time see them, and I thought it was pretty good. Played a few songs I recognize, well actually 2 that i knew to be honest :erk:. Anders(?) was actually quite funny in between songs, he put everyone in a good mood. Their stage set-up was quite interesting, some neat LED type lights in the back of the stage....pretty coo....
Overall another good choice to be in the line up.

Slayer: This is my second time seeing Slayer and holy crap was their stage awesome! Nearish to the back of the stage were two huge upside-down crosses made up of Marshall cabinets. Each huge ass cross must of consisted of about 15 cabs. Completely mind blowing! Me not being the biggest Slayer fan still found the show very amusing and definately not a waste of money. It was nice to see Dave Lombardo this time and his big ass drums! The drums were actually on this platform raised about 10 or 15 feet high, another neat stage feature. None of them moved around too much but it was fine by me. I don't know all of the songs they played but the best one was definately Dead Skin Mask, that sounded amazing.

If UA is coming near you, you should definately go and see the show! The perfect night...
Sorry if I typed too
Others who went please speak up about what you though!
Nice info :) I'm going to the UA in november here in Stockholm, looking forward to it!
Nick Brookes said:
Wow talk about a short set.

Yeh, that's the main reason why I didn't go to UA when it was in NA. I knew CoB would play like 5-6 songs, and that's just ghey. So I saved my money, and now I get to see them in december, and they'll play anywhere between 13-15 songs, depending. YAY! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
Sounds pretty exciting. I'm not a fan of Slayer at all but the way you described the stage set up makes me want to go just to see that. I know all their songs but I just despise those guys. We'll see. I'm still not sure.
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The Bringer said:
Sounds pretty exciting. I'm not a fan of Slayer at all but the way you described the stage set up makes me want to go just to see that. I know all their songs but I just despise those guys. We'll see. I'm still not sure.

Same here, I wouldn't go just for Slayer and LoG... but you guys get In Flames, that line-up might have persuaded me to go. Aw well, I get to see a show in their headlining tour in December, I'm happy.
Heres a pic of the Slayer stage setup
:kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass:

:kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass:
Thanks for that - going to the Birmingham and Manchester shows here and I cant wait!! - First chance ive had to see Children of Bodom and theyre on the same bill as my other favourite band ,Slayer.
It was fucking awesome, i wanted to buy the COB UA tour shirt but when i came back the COB Crew already took all their merchandise.. T_T thats pretty fucking bullshit, they should've w8ed after the show... anyhow, it was still a great show, their were 2 dudes outside selling slayer shirts for 15 euro (when u wash those shirts like 2 times the fonts gone and shirt shrinken) either way cheap shirts and some dudes we're selling Slayer posters.
DAMN I missed this show :( Buttttt I'm going to Leuven, Belgium!

A friend of mine called me during COB for like 2 minutes and it sounded really awesome:headbang:
That sounds like a lot of fun and the stages sound kick-ass. When i went to the unholy alliance tour in the U.S. , i couldn't even hear the singer from thine eyes bleed sing. His vocals got caught up in the instruments but he had good energy.
The Bringer said:
Great photo! Nice looking set up. Though not as many speakers as when I saw them on the Extreme Steel Tour with Pantera... at least I believe.
what ever its not like they use them all.
please does anybody has a video from the show in Den Bosch???!
i really wanted to go but i had some money problems (i'm just a 13 years old not working lazy metalhead)
if anybody can send a video i would be very gratefull!:headbang:
1ns4n1ty said:
please does anybody has a video from the show in Den Bosch???!
i really wanted to go but i had some money problems (i'm just a 13 years old not working lazy metalhead)
if anybody can send a video i would be very gratefull!:headbang:

next time cheak youtube :p

it looks like it was done on a mobile phone but the sound is alright

you may have to copy and paist it into your web box thingy
ahh man i found a 1 minute short film but it looks like the reaper is chasing this guy! isn't there an official film from this show??
I went there too, since Den Bosch is only 40 km away from my place.

It was awesome! Thine Eyes Bleed was pretty lame, but the rest of the show was great! You realy should go to UA if you're capable of getting tickets!

I have some pics posted on my blog (dutch though) :D