Bodom better without keyboards?


New Metal Member
May 11, 2005
I have realized I find Janne's playing mostly annoying. He can play damn fast for sure but that's pretty much all. The sounds he uses are kinda horrible, cheezy and plastic. And the basic lead sound reminds of some ancient Nintendo games. They could make the soundscape versatile and tricky enough with guitars too, especially now when they've got Roope in team.

Using synths in metal can be difficult, but at least I find them inspiring and well produced in stuff like Rammstein, Fear Factory and older industrial heroes like Front Line Assembly and such.

And certainly I know that Janne's style is one of their trademarks and many fans adore it, just ain't my cup of tea really. ;)
Actually, I dont really enjoy his sound in the new albums. But until FTR, it wouldn't have been what is it without him. That fucking rocked.
Anyway... bodom without keyboards is still unconceivable.
Bodom without keyboards = life without water

Many bands got influented by COB and the keyboard-guitar solo battles...
Just listen to COB - Hatebreeder and Norther - Released...
The music would sound largely boring without the keyboard. If you listen carefully, you can hear the silent backing keyboard melodies in HCDR for example, also in Knuckleduster and T,L&S you've got some super cool keyboard atmospheric stuff, it's just that the voice is so down and like molten together with the rest of the music that you can't tell it apart. So the keyboard is a wonderful thing. Plus the loud melodies are very nice, but I agree there's some keyboard stuff that is completely unnecessary and sounds plastic. But it's only a couple of days until AYDY? and I'll see how it's like
Listen to the Knuckleduster chorus (or pre-chorus) with Surround and from one of the speakers you can hear this "Chinese" melody, it's hilarious. And in the T,L&S chorus you can hear this low "doomy" humming with this method (and in the super fast lead guitar medley you can hear an echo from the speaker but that is not keyboard.) And also the Angels Don't Kill melody, in the first one you can hear this "heroic" guitar-backing keyboard, and in the second one that comes later on you can hear that it is tuned "sorrowful". Just try this shit out, it's cool.
Well, I don't understand the point in Janne's video game sounds. Even if they're a super fast and complicated solo, like in T,L&S, if there's no melody to it, it's pointless. But I guess it's nice to listen to, just as well as Alexi's fast guitar solo in T,L&S, even if it all is just shredding.

I love keyboards when they create atmosphere.
Not if it sounds like someone's playing nintendo and shredding the hell out of the controller pad, you know.
Whaddya mean there is no melody in TLAS?

Right guys, if you're not a musician.. you have NO right to comment.

If you're American... you can fuck off n'all too.
paul-e said:
I have realized I find Janne's playing mostly annoying. He can play damn fast for sure but that's pretty much all.

i dont agree. Janne makes the overall sound of Children of Bodom alot more atmospheric and original. Without keyboards I would say they are just another metal band! There music to me seems like it needs something extra, and the keyboards supply as far as im concerned.

-Gavin- said:
Right guys, if you're not a musician.. you have NO right to comment.

I couldnt agree more! Fucking irritates me that people have an opinion based on FUCK ALL!
Janne leaves Children of Bodom with that edge of excitment. Which I find to be the best element of their music. Children of Bodom is exciting to listen to which means they are above and beyond all other bands.
I happen to like Janne's keyboard solos. But whatever... everyone has something negative to say about everything now days. Nonetheless, cob is still my favorite band.
everytime i die would jsut suck horrible without keyboards. it would probaly be unrecoginzable. alot of stuff from hatebreeder would be pretty bad too. jsut imagine black widow without the cool ewok intro