Bodom confirmed for Wacken 2008

Where did you buy them
I don't trust other ticket sellers but the Wacken HP itself before i know that I'm
sure that it's not fake
I know that I'm a bit paranoide :hypno:

Bought mine at

This year I had no problem with them, tickets were there after a couple of days. So I would recommend this one, it's the one that officially sells them, can't think of another place. Perhaps at some Nuclear Blast shops, maybe.

Also, man sieht sich aufm Wacken!!!
Would be awesome if Wintersun would come too..

und beim Fan Camp sind sowieso mal ich + 3 dabei xD

But I'm not rly happy that In Flames where in Wacken this year ..
so rly hoping that Soilwork and Wintersun are there ^^

driving 2-3 hours in the car to be in Wacken is not the worst thing I think :D
I got some questions for all you wacken people. A friend and myself are thinking of going. Currently live in the U.S. anyways niether of us speak any german so would it be hard to figure out like which bus we have to catch and for the trip back which flight we have to be on? Or are there enough english speaking people over there. I think we are currently thinking of flying to hamburg and then getting on the bus the offer to the campgrounds. Which brings me to my next few questions. I can't read the website but does the bus run for a few days before the show actually starts? We want to get there at least a day before show starts to pitch tents and what not. also how far is it from the campgrounds to the actual show area? How fast do tickets for Wacken sell out? Has anyone else here from america or canada done this trip and what did it cost you? Also is stealing of personal items a huge deal there? I think that does it for my questions. If you feel there was something I missed please let me know and please answer my questions. I have been looking forward to this show for the longest time and have been wanting to go for the longest time. I think that, that time has come. Oh and if I do go count me in for the fan camp :rock: :rock:
I got some questions for all you wacken people. A friend and myself are thinking of going. Currently live in the U.S. anyways niether of us speak any german so would it be hard to figure out like which bus we have to catch and for the trip back which flight we have to be on? Or are there enough english speaking people over there. I think we are currently thinking of flying to hamburg and then getting on the bus the offer to the campgrounds. Which brings me to my next few questions. I can't read the website but does the bus run for a few days before the show actually starts? We want to get there at least a day before show starts to pitch tents and what not. also how far is it from the campgrounds to the actual show area? How fast do tickets for Wacken sell out? Has anyone else here from america or canada done this trip and what did it cost you? Also is stealing of personal items a huge deal there? I think that does it for my questions. If you feel there was something I missed please let me know and please answer my questions. I have been looking forward to this show for the longest time and have been wanting to go for the longest time. I think that, that time has come. Oh and if I do go count me in for the fan camp :rock: :rock:

I think there is still some time left to get the tickets , but me and some friends of mine are going to buy them before this year is ending ..
If there are any probs with the ticket it won't be a prob to get them on ebay ;)
With the bus I could help you easily , just plan when you will arrive in Hamburg and when you want to fly back home , than just mail me here in forum and I could mail back you bus or train ways..

Well , I don't think that each and every bus driver is speaking perfect English , but if you're at the Deutsche Bahn ( name of the German train company) or at the airport , the most persons at the contactors will speak english I think
Alright awesome. Im pretty sure im going now but im going to wait on tickets for a little longer to be sure.
wacken 2007 was sick!!
i think 2008 will be great, with COB and kretor...
In flames is one of the rumors:goggly: :rock: :notworthy