Bodom Fan Covers

The Leper said:
I never said "dont do covers" i like listening to them. But add something like gavin is doing. Do a bodom cover acousticly. That would probably sound nice. kelter and bodomized its not a problem and im not doubting you guys are excellent musicians... Im actually going to do a opeth cover, to bid you farewell, i understand how much fun it is to record them and listen to them but getting out of control and recording a whole cd to me is pointless.
theres something wrong with the line out on my amp and its not working so well so im gonna have to actually go out and get a v-amp or something
Yea, that's what I'm talking about. I tried recording from my distortion pedal straight to the line in but it sounds like absolute shit. I actually get a better sound just from plugging a mic into the sound card and sticking it in front of the amp. o_O
I redid TDE just now without matt so there is no rhythm guitar. The lead came out pretty good if you wanna check it out. Everything as a whole sounds much better. The drums, bass, and keyboards are much higher quality because I finally figured out what the fuck I was doing wrong. I recorded the guitar through a mic because my amp is a piece of shit. Enjoy.

right click and choose save as...
gkelter said:
Scythes of Bodom no longer hosts any bodom fan covers so I thought we could start posting them here. 'I've Been Bodomized' and I just recorded a cover of Towards Dead End. Here it is.
RIGHT CLICK AND CHOOSE 'SAVE AS...' PLEASE. If you left-click and stream it my internet connection will be fucking slower than dial-up. Thanks a lot!

If you guys wanna post covers I can most likely host them for you, too. Just keep 'em .mp3 format please. Thanks.

Can't download your song. Can you help?
Sorry dude, I dunno what the fuck is going on... I'm using Abyss Webserver now because for some reason the version of Windows I installed now doesn't have ISS service built in and it won't let me install it. I need to figure everything out. Until then, message me on AIM: LEADxUSxTOxWAR and I'll send you whatever you wanna hear. Make a request, I'll try to fucking record it, I dunno.