Bodom Fans Take on Pasi Hiltula?


I Wanna Rock!
Sep 14, 2003
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I was just wondering what most of you people think of Pasi Hiltula (ex-Kalmah, ex-Eternal Tears of Sorrow, and current Scenery Channel Keyboarder) I personally think he is an excelent player one of my favorites, he isn't as flashy as Janne, but a unique style i think and he can send in some excelent solos if he wants for sure but an all around good player. What do you all think, I'd really like it if Janne replied to this one to see what he thinks of Pasi.
its not Horrible. it,s different to what we're used to, but all in all, its rockin. He does his own thing and doesn't try to sound like anybody else, I respect that.
I love pasi for his different sound, and the fact that when he was in EToS he played more lead than Antti T. and Antti K. I just love how he tears shit up on Prophetian( EToS A Virgin and A Whore). Also have you guys heard his main band Scenery Channel? I am pretty disapointed he left Kalmah for these guys, they seem like good musicians from the song I heard, but its a totaly different style of music.
Pasi rocks! I think his work with EToS is just FUCKING AWESOME. Kalmah are good too and I haven't heard his new band yet, but methinks EToS were one of the best Finnish metal bands, almost as good as COB. It's such a shame they broke up so early :( isn't it? Oh and by the way, in an interview a few years ago (u can read it on ScythesOfBodom;) ) teh one and only angry little bunnyrabbit said he liked EToS!
arch_enemy666 said:
I love pasi for his different sound, and the fact that when he was in EToS he played more lead than Antti T. and Antti K. I just love how he tears shit up on Prophetian( EToS A Virgin and A Whore). Also have you guys heard his main band Scenery Channel? I am pretty disapointed he left Kalmah for these guys, they seem like good musicians from the song I heard, but its a totaly different style of music.
yeah, doesn't even sound like the metal category.
but pasi still rocks.. :headbang: and forever he will be one of the best keyboardists around.. he's got great skill and sound and a good originality :)
arch_enemy666 said:
I love pasi for his different sound, and the fact that when he was in EToS he played more lead than Antti T. and Antti K. I just love how he tears shit up on Prophetian( EToS A Virgin and A Whore). Also have you guys heard his main band Scenery Channel? I am pretty disapointed he left Kalmah for these guys, they seem like good musicians from the song I heard, but its a totaly different style of music.

Scenery Channel is just a few friends playing sometimes i belive. Nothing big. The music is not bad but it's not heavy at all. Light rock with lot's of keyboard stuff. you can download some samples at Download section. In they said that Hiltula is up for a solo album? I dont know do i remember correctly but that would be great. Hiltula is the best keyboard player ever.