Bodom not distributed in Argentina...

Feb 22, 2005
I always had a hard time finding the first 3 CoB albums, because no local laber were distributing it here. But I thought this ended when NEMS (one of the two small labels that edit most of european metal here) released Hate Crew Death Roll...

But now, with CoB signing to Universal, AYDY is not being sold here at all... I hope I can find a Russian version or something, but so far, I haven't seen it anywhere.

I am kind of a collectionist. I want to have all the releases of the bands I like, even if some are not that good. I heard a lot about AYDY and Im probably no going to love it. But I certainly want to own the album and give it as many tries as I want.
Manu SwordMaster said:
I always had a hard time finding the first 3 CoB albums, because no local laber were distributing it here. But I thought this ended when NEMS (one of the two small labels that edit most of european metal here) released Hate Crew Death Roll...

But now, with CoB signing to Universal, AYDY is not being sold here at all... I hope I can find a Russian version or something, but so far, I haven't seen it anywhere.

I am kind of a collectionist. I want to have all the releases of the bands I like, even if some are not that good. I heard a lot about AYDY and Im probably no going to love it. But I certainly want to own the album and give it as many tries as I want.
Yeah, just order them online, it may take a while, but it's well worth the wait, and don't care about other people's tastes and interests as far as AYDY, me, I personally hate it, but who knows, you might like it.
hey! you can find in every store hatebreeder as well as hate crew deathroll. There are some Follow The Reaper releases, AYDY has not arrived here yet and Something Wild... i saw one a long time ago in Volumen 4 (Lavalle al 600 y pico) but some son of a bitch got first and took it... i've never seen it again
I'd rather use my money on booze than to fill up my room with different versions of the same albums which I don't even like. Buy a bottle of cream liqueur and mix it with licorice-taste booze, you'll be happier.
I bought all my copies of the COB albums off of ebay, its usually really cheap also if you look hard enough. ;)
KillerGon said:
hey! you can find in every store hatebreeder as well as hate crew deathroll. There are some Follow The Reaper releases, AYDY has not arrived here yet and Something Wild... i saw one a long time ago in Volumen 4 (Lavalle al 600 y pico) but some son of a bitch got first and took it... i've never seen it again

I have all of them... except AYDY...
Someday I will be able to buy it.