Bodomites Skills BEEOOTTCCHH

:lol: Bored much, Thomas?


"A video on how to drink Guinness? BRILLIANT!"
omg.. you don't chug that beer! it needs to be savoured! ... lol actually recently I had a "drink" that I had to chug which was ...

Half a pint of Guinness.. then you get a two ounce shot glass and fill it with whiskey. Put the filled shot glass in the half filled pint. Then drink as quick as possible..

The other night I drank three of these in a matter of 15min.. i didn't need to drink anymore after though lol. That means i drank.. 6 shots of whiskey and 1 1/2 pints of beer in 15 min.. and 30min after that i was drunk off my ass.
RAWK drinking and chugging Guinness is awsome however be careful when u mix stuff..... its much easier to get a hangover that way even when u drink lots of water and keep hydrated!