soccer tactics

LOL!! i missed this thread for a while but now i finally saw it... great stuff :-D

@Janina: soccer, the finns?? wasn't it that soccer was inferior compared to your glorious water polo?? :-D sauna loving pansies :-D
haha i remember one time in a world cup play off (don't remember which one) where Ingesson couldn't play cause he hit a moose with his car some days before the match :-DDD hahahha bunch of moose ramming clumsy asses hahahhaa :-D
EagleFlyFree said:
@Janina: soccer, the finns?? wasn't it that soccer was inferior compared to your glorious water polo?? :-D sauna loving pansies :-D

Well, the truth is that we finns can play only hockey, that's it! :p At least we have a lot of great hockey players, even better ones than in Sweden or Canada, but the guys who choose the players to team Finland don't have a clue about good players, they only choose their best buddies and the oldest ones, who suck! :loco:

I would be the perfect choice for that job :wave:

"Life's like a hockey game
can't win without pain
together we will reach the fame
one for all
all for one tonight
Team Finland!!!" :notworthy
Janina said:
the guys who choose the players to team Finland don't have a clue about good players, they only choose their best buddies and the oldest ones, who suck! :loco:

I would be the perfect choice for that job :wave:

yeah right, you'd choose the good looking ones so that you can drool at them and stick your tongue to the glass that separates the field from the crowd :-P
EagleFlyFree said:
yeah right, you'd choose the good looking ones so that you can drool at them and stick your tongue to the glass that separates the field from the crowd :-P

Yeah, that's exactly what I had in mind... :rolleyes:
But really, I know a lot more about hockey than an average canadian or american, I know all the rules and I can tell the difference between a good and a bad player :p

Now I'm just waiting for a call from mr. Kummola, I might have a new job soon :grin:
Canada own everyone's ass speaking of hockey.We have the best player. Well, everybody say our hockey players are violent, but hockey is meant to be a fast and stimuling sport. The european games are rather boring with gentle people skating around.

anyway we'll always win :grin:
>I can tell the difference between a good and a bad player

then you can forget about that job... they'll never hire someone that calls all foreign players to the national team :-P
EagleFlyFree said:
then you can forget about that job... they'll never hire someone that calls all foreign players to the national team :-P

I'd never do such thing... We do have the best players in the world, but you guys have no idea, who they are, 'cause they never get the chance to show what they're made of :Smug:

Now, gimme the fucking job!!! :flame:
he dosen't play anymore, but he was the best player ever. point.

Do you know Maurice Richard? This guy was a real hockey player, backt hen hockey was hockey, not fag making cash.