Bogner Ubershall

Joshua Wickman

Yes Sir!
Feb 11, 2009
Well im trading a few things for a Bogner Ubershall all and matching cab with v30's. I was Just wondering if anyone has used these on recordings in the past and what is your thoughts?
I fucking love those amps. I'd go with the uberkab. SikTh used them on the Death of a Dead Day album but they hated them. One of my favourite guitar tones.
Uberkab is actually V30s and T75's in an X-pattern (unless the 75's were replaced), but it should still be sweet! Doubt I'd prefer one over a Recto Standard cab though :D

No shit, did not know that about the speakers. Thanks for the heads up!!

Yea im getting a brand new custom Recto Standard cab with tweed grill in like a week. Only 700.00 for a brand new cab so im super stoked, endorsements FTW!
No shit, did not know that about the speakers. Thanks for the heads up!!

Yea im getting a brand new custom Recto Standard cab with tweed grill in like a week. Only 700.00 for a brand new cab so im super stoked, endorsements FTW!

Yeah the cab is for sure an x pattern. Bottom left and top right are the V30's fyi.

The speaker mix sounds great in a room, and then you have the V30's to close mic :kickass:
I have a Uberschall rev blue and I love it but I have a few comments :

- Fantastic for lead.
- The clean channel is great for cleans and I even use it for bass reamping and I think the results are great.
- I find the Uberschall problematic for rythum guitars. Its great for low to medium gain but when you try
to dial up high gain it becomes muddy in the mix. I have tried many many combinations of amp settings
and I am pretty sure there is no way to get a clear, well defined high gain sound like you can get from
a 5150 and a dual-rec. I was inspired by Lasse recently and have been experimenting with layering the
5150 with the uber and I find it definetly helps to reduce the muddyness.
which Über is it?
if it's the Rev2 (green) you just have to drop KT88 in it and it's the best metal amp ever!

here are some examples:

it's so fucking big and 3d sounding...just fucking massive...
with KT88 it's still really tight and the mids on it are extremely usable....
you won't regret it!

the Rev blue is supposed to sound a bit less 3d and not as big but more defined in the lows with a bit more of a marshally bite in the high mids....can't say much about that one though.

I'd love to get a second Rev2 for other guitarist will now sell his Recto and 5150 after he heard my Über....he said he HAS TO get one.
it's the biggest sounding amp on the planet and with =C= it records so nicely...can be everything from big and smooth to agressive and biting.
After hearing just about everything live, the Uberschall is still one of the top amps I have ever heard live.
Hey Joshua, if you head over to Rig-Talk and check on the Bogner page, there are tons of threads that explain how you can tell what version it is.