Bogner XTC101B vs Classic


Dec 29, 2005
Alright, so I've looked at both these babies and I was wondering yalls opinion on each. I was going for versatility in an amp so that's why I narowed it down to these two. I've heard rave reviews about both, but especially the classic head. My only worry is that the classic perhaps doesn't have enough gain (a la metal tones) as the 101B, but I could be wrong. Input please!
I've heard Ecstasy amps do everything. Hell, if I went for 'boutique' amps that would probably be the only one I'd consider.

Anyone around you have those for demonstration purposes? Hard to find them, unfortunately.

Yeah, I actually just found one today at a smaller store. They had a 101B and I fucking loved it, but the hefty price tag left quite an emotional sore :\ I think it's one of the best amps I've heard if you're looking for a multitude of tones. Hopefully I can find one used so I don't have to shell out $3k+ that I don't currently have. I'm actually in the processing of getting my first tube amp and I'm looking for something that can do everything. I've also been considering the Mark IV but no stores around me carry it. The Mark IV is great for the high mid range but it kinda lacks that tough low end which the Bogner seems to handle quite well. I may go for the classic as it's voiced to be brighter than the 101B.
So yeah, none of those high end amps are really in my price range. But since it's all pretty relative I'd probably shell out the extra $ for a Diezel since I love them. I guess my expenditure range will be somewhere b/w $1000-2500 max at the end of the summer. I'm really looking for a great 3 or 4 channel head that's extremely versatile in that price range. I tried both the JSX and the Road King II and loved things about each but each amp individually had sounds the other couldn't create. I guess if you really want the best mix you need multiple amps, however, since I'll be gigging a lot in my college town, I'm going to need a solid 3 or 4 channel amp that can tackle most styles well.

EDIT: Hmmm, haven't tried an ENGL Powerball yet but there is one in my area for around $2k Can't beat that for an awesome 4 channel amp, perhaps this will be the one!
the Engl is more of a marshally kind of sound.

If you dig the JSX and Recto i dont know if youll like the Engl.

Another option is 2 Heads like the 5150. You can get them pretty cheap arounf $600 used and you can set them up for different sounds depending on what you run in the loop and infront of the amp.
Yeah man, I know what you mean about having multiple amps. The only problem is though, being in college, I'm confined to very limited space and I feel like it's a huge pain lugging around multiple amps to gigs. I wish there were an amp that would just do it all besides the Diezel line, they're just way outa my price range but they're so sweet. All I'm really looking for is an amp that has a good clean channel, good crunch (I care more about the clean than crunch but I'm looking more for a southern/classic rock crunch structure), and a higher gain channel that can handle the low end as well as the mid-high range well too. I guess it's pretty much impossible to ask for such a thing, I'd probably be better off making my own amp. I was just curious to see if anyone has tried the ENGL Invader 150 and if so, how does it compare to the rest of the ENGL family. Oh, and if there is an amp like the one I described previously, please let me know because, besides a diezel herbert/vh4, I've never seen any amp so versatile (Bogner in close second IMO). On another note, I love the distortion on the Laney GH100L...Does Laney make a 3 or 4 channel amp with a gain structure similar to the GH100L?

EDIT: EDIT: Hopefully I can find a sweet 3-4 channel affordable amp that will get the job don, but if I have to get 2 amps I'd definitely get the Mesa Lonestar and either a 5150, Recto, or Mark IV to handle the metal side of things
Not t beat a dead horse or anything but I think I've finally decided to get a Laney VH100R. That way, I can have a good starting tube amp and then I can upgrade later.