Bolt Thrower chucked it in

Priest of Evil

Adores the Number 666
Dec 1, 2005
From Bravewords:
UK extreme metal legends BOLT THROWER have issued the following update:

"We've spent the last year trying to write songs for a new album, planning to go into the studio this summer, unfortunately, after a lot of thought, we have had to make the difficult decision to postpone the recording indefinitely. We know everybody says that their new album is better than their last, but with us we really believed that. From day one we made it clear that we'd stop recording when we felt we'd written the ultimate Bolt Thrower album, we just never knew when that would be, we kind of took for granted that each release would get better and better. But we have realized now that our last release, Those Once Loyal turned out to be that album, and basically the new stuff we have written just doesn't match up to it. We have a lot of pride in our back catalogue, and we refuse to turn into one of the many bands (like the ones we grew up listening to) who end up releasing crap, and we're also not prepared to compromise by instead releasing an album of cover versions or a 'best of' album. Sorry to disappoint those of you looking forward to hearing new BT songs, but we always said that we would never release anything we weren't happy with or that, in our view, didn't at least match up to our previous work.

For those of you living in Holland, Germany and Belgium, you will get the chance to see Bolt Thrower live soon, as there are a few select shows lined up. The confirmed shows are:

August 7th - Atak in Enschede, Netherlands - This is our second home, and we've played at Atak on every tour for the last 18 years. Sadly the club will be closing down this month and they will be moving to a new building in the Autumn. So we were chuffed when they contacted us and offered to re-open for one night, so we can say farewell to this cult club and be the last band to ever play there. We decided that the tickets will be free and we will be informing you soon on the line-up and how to get tickets.

August 8th - Party.San Festival in Bad Berka, Germany - As headliner we will play a longer set than usual, so expect to hear a lot of songs we haven't played for a while (website).

August 9th - Hof ter Lo in Antwerp, Belgium - For this show we will be joined by the best and upcoming bands from the Benelux. The confirmed support bands are: God Dethroned, Born from Pain, The Setup and Anaphylactic Shock. Tickets are 11 Euros, and you can find more info here.

We'll post more info when we have it.

Hope to see you at the gigs."

I used to quite like them, but haven't listened to them for yonks. At least it seems they're bowing out with a bit of respect.
I only ever knew them for their Warhammer 40K album covers. Never actually heard their music.

unfortunately, that seems to be the story of Bolt Thrower.
more known for their album covers then their music -which I actually found really good.

but I will always remember Bolt Thrower for this moment.

Fowlers in Adelaide I believe. Hilarious.
I remember hearing a story about it but the last time I saw Bolt Thrower live was back in the early 90s, they played at a Venue once called the Venue then later Cartoons. I saw the all ages show in the daytime because of the people i was with. My memory must be getting bad if I dont recall them playing at Fowlers, lol.
Ahk, not that I was there, but it certainly looks like Fowlers in the photo (with the stage being in the corner and such) and thats what I heard. Btw have you heard that Fowlers' lease expires in October and the Uni is turning it into a gallery. Now we've got fa venues, more stuff will end up at the HQ which is full of cunts.